how i can do this???


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 22:28
Aug 10, 2015
hi everyone
please help how i can solve this issue
please give me the full syntax for each function


  • msaccess_full_crd.png
    23.5 KB · Views: 198
Hmm, might be helpful if we could *read* what you want. Please use something other than yellow font... against the white it's not readable.

If you want help from readers, then please tell readers in simple, plain English WHAT you are trying to do ---no jargon, no database.
Give us some context to understand WHAT you are trying to do.

Once readers understand WHAT, they will offer you options/alternatives for HOW it might be resolved.
Hmm, might be helpful if we could *read* what you want. Please use something other than yellow font... against the white it's not readable.

hi thanks for your time, here is the db again with requirement


  • msaccess_full_crdb.png
    28.4 KB · Views: 145
Hmm, I'm going with jdraw here, please give us an example of what you want, i.e.

A + B = C to show in Field D

Today - Due Date to show in another field
Hmm, I'm going with jdraw here, please give us an example of what you want, i.e.

A + B = C to show in Field D

Today - Due Date to show in another field

column Today = A
column Todate= B

first equation is

crdopbaltoday=crdclbaltoday of previous day(i.e 13th aug, 2015)

second equation is..

crdopbaltodate=crdclbaltodate of previous month(i.e 31st july, 2015)

third equation is.....

crdissuesoaptodate=crdissuesoaptoday+crdissuesoaptodate of previous day(i.e 13th august, 2015)
Hmm not sure I am getting it, do you mean...

crdopbaltoday = crdopbaltoday minus 1 day

crdopbaltodate = crdopbaltodate minus balance from last month

...and really don't get last equation. Oh, and going to need Data Type of fields.
Hmm not sure I am getting it, do you mean...

crdopbaltoday = crdopbaltoday minus 1 day

crdopbaltodate = crdopbaltodate minus balance from last month

...and really don't get last equation. Oh, and going to need Data Type of fields.

there are attachments pics
that may express my issue


  • clbal today of 01st aug to opbal today 02 aug.png
    clbal today of 01st aug to opbal today 02 aug.png
    30.1 KB · Views: 137
  • clbal of 31st july to opbal 01 aug .png
    clbal of 31st july to opbal 01 aug .png
    27.9 KB · Views: 132
  • issue soap today plus issue todate.png
    issue soap today plus issue todate.png
    31.3 KB · Views: 126
If you just want the value of one Control to show in another then on the Control Source of ending Control put...


As for three, just add the Controls together on the Control Source...


Side note, from your screen shot it looks like you might have set up your Tables like an Excel Spreadsheet. You might want to address before you get to far along.
Its so easy you explain, that I also knows
I want to relate these controls to the date, bcos if I not relates my database Will behave abnormal bcos rbdclbaltoday is also exist in today column.
When I will relate to the date it will become unique and not disturb today's data......

Please review my reply and comment against your knowledge about access..
Huh? Not making any sense to me. So, I open the report today and the Balance has changed? If not what difference does it make because you will always want the closing Balance from the previous day. Actually you should consider a Running Sum query then you will always have the closing/opening Balance on any given day.
Yes, you have got now
In the today column always change opening/closing daily bases but in todate column opening/closing on monthly basaes and sums the quantities of today's receiving/issues in todate column on daily bases.
Please take seriously my problem to resolve
I am taking it seriously but you are not listening to me, this is not the way to do this. You can't *hold on* to a total that is not stored.
all of this is performing very well in excel, i want to do all this with access due to access vast functionality,
what i have to do to get these results???????????
Access tables do NOT work like Excel spreadsheets. You cannot perform calculations the same way. You cannot store data the same way. Access tables, though when open look like a spreadsheet, are not and you cannot refer to a field as you would a cell in Excel.

To convert a spreadsheet to Access is NOT as simple as dropping it in, you must learn relational design, you must learn database normalization. You must also understand that the tables only function is to hold the data. Everything else requires code, queries, macros or some combination thereof.

That said, to get the results you want you would need to create a running sum query but off of properly set-up tables. While we can help you do all of that we would first need to start with your table set-up and you relationship diagram. (Side note, this is not a few hours... more like a few weeks to a few months to get working properly.)
Last edited:
Goheriq, if it is all working really well in excel, what is it that you wish for access to do for you that excel cannot?

GinaWhipp is correct - for you to do this properly it can take weeks or months, depending on your dedication. But you must do it properly to get the results you want.
Thanks for Your Time
I got the point, I was thinking that access tables are like a excel spreadsheet cells
I know I sounds like a or if work (it is) but it is also very rewarding. If you would like to continue we will help you to stay on the right track.
I know I sounds like a or if work (it is) but it is also very rewarding. If you would like to continue we will help you to stay on the right track.

I will be thankful if you will help to resolve my problem
I will be thankful if you will help to resolve my problem

OK, to help you resolve your problem, we need to first 'un-excel spreadsheet" your access tables. Please provide the following:

  • a screenshot of your relationship view (which includes all your tables)
  • or, even better - upload your database as it is now.

  • a description of what you want the database in general to do (e.g., i work for a small pawn broker and we want to keep track the balance from our lendees... etc etc)
  • what your spreadsheet currently does and how it works (does it have more than one sheet? does it have graphs? does it link to other excel files? etc) - perhaps some sample data or upload a (sanitized) version of it (that is, don't include personal/private info)
  • a description of the environment your spreadsheet is currently working (e.g., is it located on a work server, do multiple people have/need access to it? do you import data into it from somewhere else, or is it all manually updated? etc)
  • why you want to port your excel process into access: that is, what do you want to be able to do that your excel sheet cannot (you said the excel works perfectly, so why upgrade?)
then we can work on making sure you have your database structured in a way that will allow you to do what you want it to do.

once we have your structure sorted out, then we can work on getting the functionality set up.

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