How many genders are there?

Uncle Gizmo

Nifty Access Guy
Staff member
Local time
Today, 02:07
Jul 9, 2003

I'm confused, I'm pretty sure there are only 2 genders as well! Is this just a misunderstanding on the use of the term gender?

from watching Dr Jordan b Peterson I do understand there are around 70 different pronouns people can use to describe their sexual orientation.

There's zee & zer and god knows how many other ones!

I also realise why the gender issue has promoted this video into to light, however I do think that the fundamental problem is the disagreement between the student and the teacher, in that the student is being pigheaded and disruptive in class, and that's the basic reason for the exclusion.

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First, Uncle G, I agree that part of the problem in the article is a disruptive student.

There are fundamentalist groups that would say that there are only two sexes. They will adapt their language if you point out to them that these days, due to multiple meanings of the word sex, we use gender (just as the word "gay" no longer can be used to mean "happy and light-hearted" because it has been adapted for other use).

Where the problem comes in is that gender (in the physiological sense) and gender identity are distinct and can differ. Further, there are cases where children are born with variant chromosome situations or reproductive structures where there is a lack of clarity as to which way the child will go. And it appears that the brain can have more than just two different configurations, which makes one wonder about various brain-body combinations.

regarding physical brain differences including structural differences:

Regarding XXY:

You can search for Klinefelter Syndrome and see behavioral issues as well as physical ones.

The old term "hermaphrodite" comes to mind here. It is a non-scientific term that is yet another physical condition clouding the picture of sexual variation.

How many genders are there? The fact is that two genders are not enough even when you limit yourself to physiology since there IS such a thing as the brain and the body being in disagreement. When the wiring and the plumbing disagree, you have either a homosexual or a bisexual. When that happens, the language requires either some special word (usually taken as a pejorative) or you have to use a descriptive phrase. Therefore I cannot tell you how many genders there really are, but there exists a spectrum of behaviors for which the extremes of the spectrum are "traditional male" and "traditional female."

The articles I posted regarding brain structure represent findings using brain scans on homosexual people. The fact that the brain scans can detect the situation very strongly suggests something else: Brain structure is fixed during gestation; therefore, homosexuals are born that way. (Do I hear Lady Gaga singing in the background?)
Sexuality, genetic chromosomes, and gender and not the same thing and are not mutually exclusive.
That non-exclusive nature is exactly what makes this question so hard to answer.
Your question implies that the concept of gender is somehow exclusive to the human race, which I would offer is not the case. There are several examples of life that are neither one or the other, or are both at the same time.
Well, I don't really know what to think. However my instinct is that there are two genders, and that's how I see people.

When I see a transgender person often a man posing as a woman, then most of the time I see an unfortunate person who needs my sympathy and understanding.

Occasionally I actually see a woman. For example, in the latest series of designated survivor there is a transgender man, who is now the sister-in-law of the president. Now to me this person is no longer male, and has successfully transformed into a female. She also played a character in "sense8"....

I don't seem to have the same problem with women that transgender into a man. They are oftenso manly and male looking that I would never know that they were once female.

My take on it is there are a few that are genuinely stuck in the wrong gender type for whatever biological reason, however I am convinced that there are many that are confused and vulnerable.

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but still a maximum of two

I agree, although, I have a vague recollection of some species that has three 3 genders, although this might relate to a science fiction story!
The last time I checked, the rest of the animal kingdom has a maximum of two genders (sometimes they can change their gender during their lifetime, but still a maximum of two).
One of the wisest statements I have heard or read on this topic anywhere.
JDP being excellent as usual!

Click Bait and switch!

Gender changed female to male gets cancelled because "he's" a white male!!!

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Yeah, vivEK really sums it up pretty easily. It's obviously a disorder and let's not encourage and try to instigate more of it as the last year has proved to everyone that it is clearly 99% of the time of direct results of tick tock and other environmental influences.

As to the supporters of it, have none of them actually had kids? Given the fact that they lean progressive, the answer is likely most of them actually have not. Kids will do absolutely anything that they think makes them cool. Right now. The coolest thing you can be is TG

The other day I read a study about a person who was noticing how the video started to get promoted in a rack up views. As soon as someone came out. That's powerful on the emotions and basically like a drug to a young person.
Click Bait and switch!

Gender changed female to male gets cancelled because "he's" a white male!!!

Yes I always say it's a worldview so full of contradictions it eats itself
Yeah, vivEK really sums it up pretty easily. It's obviously a disorder and let's not encourage and try to instigate more of it as the last year has proved to everyone that it is clearly 99% of the time of direct results of tick tock and other environmental influences.

As to the supporters of it, have none of them actually had kids? Given the fact that they lean progressive, the answer is likely most of them actually have not. Kids will do absolutely anything that they think makes them cool. Right now. The coolest thing you can be is TG

The other day I read a study about a person who was noticing how the video started to get promoted in a rack up views. As soon as someone came out. That's powerful on the emotions and basically like a drug to a young person.

Isaac, you posted this but I am reacting to the linked video clip, not to you.

Vivek sums it up on the basis of XX/XY chromosome pairs and HE'S WRONG. I have posted links to research that CLEARLY demonstrates that there is more to it than XX/XY chromosomes. The word "disorder" is sometimes generic, sometimes not - but in this context it is used disparagingly. Is "left-handed" a disorder? I simply cannot tolerate people making ignorant comments like Vivek did. He CLAIMS (incorrectly) that DSM-5 calls it a disorder.

In this link,

With the publication of DSM–5 in 2013, “gender identity disorder” was eliminated and replaced with “gender dysphoria.” This change further focused the diagnosis on the gender identity-related distress that some transgender people experience (and for which they may seek psychiatric, medical, and surgical treatments) rather than on transgender individuals or identities themselves.

The presence of gender variance is not the pathology but dysphoria is from the distress caused by the body and mind not aligning and/or societal marginalization of gender-variant people.

The DSM–5 articulates explicitly that “gender non-conformity is not in itself a mental disorder.”

The LAST thing we need is for people to outright LIE about gender dysphoria. Yes, I am sensitive to this because I have many gay friends and a gay step-daughter. I have seen from close quarters what it is like when closed-minded hatred impinges on the lives of some of the kindest, gentlest people I know. And to be fair, I have also known some gay idiots who needed a good thrashing. Because first and foremost, gay people are PEOPLE just like you and me except they happen to have a different pattern of love life. The main problem is IGNORANCE regarding the effects of imposing YOUR expectations on someone else's life when what they were doing wasn't actually harmful to you, other than to outrage your precious little world-image of how people should behave.

We're not actively trying to encourage kids to be gay or transgender, right??


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