How to create msgBox with button label Yes(Y) and No(N)


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Yesterday, 18:10
Jul 15, 2008
I have do a exam in a competition. I must create a message box in form like the default msgbox in access that have a custom label like below image (The labels is: Yes(Y) and No(N)) but i can't use plugin or other product in internet (internet cable, usb was unpluged), must create all by default Access, I must done this msgbox in some minutes, How to create msgbox with custom label as fast as possible? I tried to create msgbox by Access form but I can't hide form icon and show close button together? Please help me!


go to the properties of your form and set to No, the Control Box, Min Max Buttons and Close Button.
If set the properties of fom set No to the Control Box. It's hides : Icon, Max, Min and Close Button. I need show the Close button and hide the form icon together....

Create msgbox by form is my last solution. How to create custom msgbox on other way?
Why do you need to show the Close button? A message box doesn't have a Close button. If you want it to look like a message box, but need a way to "close" it without choosing yes or no, include a third Cancel button, like a real message box does.

Here's how you need to do it:

  1. Create a form and size it to taste
  2. Place three buttons on it, with the captions Yes(Y) No(M) and Cancel
  3. Place whatever code you need behind the Yes and No buttons
  4. Behind the Cancel button place code to close the form
Now set these properties for the form:
  1. Scroll Bars Neither
  2. Record Selector No
  3. Navigation Buttons No
  4. Dividing Lines No
  5. Auto Resize No
  6. PopUp Yes
  7. Modal Yes
  8. Border Style Dialog
  9. Control Box No
Now, wherever you would have used the message box, open the form instead.
I must show the close button in message box because the exam requires me. If set the control box properties is No. It hide all the close button and form icon.

What's API function can create that form?

Please help me! I very need the answer
Just my two bits worth but isn't getting someone else to do your exam cheating?

Althouh I am glad you asked the question as the responce as sloved my problem.
I don't know the requirements on this exam of course, but if the instructor has provided the test question ahead of time, I would not consider consulting a forum to be cheating. I have learned 90% of what I know about Access by reading forum topics. If I had to do it all out of my head or based on help files or a single textbook, I would have given up a long time ago.

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