How to make a large project? (2 Viewers)

The question has changed and none of the answers seem to be what the OP wants.
In fact, despite asking very specifically about how to avoid it reaching design limits he doesn't seem to want to know what those limits are, or what anyone here's experience has been with a very large project.

I'm out.
I see the question has changed.

Unfortunately the revised question does not contribute anything to understanding the context of the question, particularly since you have dismissed all previous answers without explaining why you have dismissed them and then made your own suggestions which are pretty much the same

Your perceived limits of access seem very low compared to reality and for such a large project you appear to be envisioning, perhaps access is not the development tool to use

With regards memory management - suggestions have already been made and plenty of examples can be found on line if you ask the right questions.

Where the question has changed???
The question has changed and none of the answers seem to be what the OP wants.
In fact, despite asking very specifically about how to avoid it reaching design limits he doesn't seem to want to know what those limits are, or what anyone here's experience has been with a very large project.

I'm out.
The question has not changed
The technical limits of the various versions of Access are perfectly clear and @Edgar_ reminded them in post #15
But the question asked does not concern the technical limits of Access
Maybe I did not explain myself correctly, but the question asked is:
- how to create/organize a project whose size in terms of number of objects (form/report/code) goes beyond the maximum limit possible with Access
but the question asked is:
- how to create/organize a project whose size in terms of number of objects (form/report/code) goes beyond the maximum limit possible with Access
If you seriously anticipate your project growing to more than ~5000 modules and to more than 32768 objects in total, the best approach should be glaringly clear: Do not use Microsoft Access!

And, even though you do not want to hear this, I worked on multiple very large projects in Microsoft Access, on some over a period of decades(!). None of those even got remotely close to those limits. If you structure your work to avoid basically redundant objects with only minor differences between them, it should be nearly impossible to exceed those limits.
The question has not changed
The technical limits of the various versions of Access are perfectly clear and @Edgar_ reminded them in post #15
But the question asked does not concern the technical limits of Access
Maybe I did not explain myself correctly, but the question asked is:
- how to create/organize a project whose size in terms of number of objects (form/report/code) goes beyond the maximum limit possible with Access
Truly, your question answers itself.

If the project grows beyond the limits of Access, then Access will prove not to have been the right tool. It's not more complicated than that.

No amount of advance planning or management can change that reality.

Unfortunately, there is no way for anyone to predict ahead of time what your project will turn out to encompass, and even you can only make informed predictions about how much the project can grow over time.

As others have stated, even the largest, most long-lived projects I ever worked on never got close to exhausting the limits of Access, so there is also no collective wisdom on dealing with that theoretical problem, either. I no longer maintain code from former clients, so I can't provide specifics. I can say that this never even came up as a consideration in more than 20 years.

On the other hand, I have worked on projects where the amount and types of data stored exceeded the limits of an accdb back end. In each case, we upgraded to SQL Server for data storage, but Access objects? Not even close.
My recommendation is to understand the full scope of the project, and to get the data analysis correct, so the table design stands the test of time. Everything else flows from that.

Edit. There is no real reason for a project to grow out of control. If you are adding lots of forms each month, it might be because the data hasn't been a well normalised as it could have been. I improved a system where each year many reports had to be rebuilt to reflect the new data range. That was easily amended to allow the reports to automatically use the appropriate date range.
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The question has not changed
Hasn't it? All seem to be about limits - this is an Access forum so if you don't mean Access (and I wouldn't be surprised, since you have done this before). you need to ask elsewhere. If you do mean Access then you have had the answer multiple times.

The question is: working on a project that is expected to grow continuously at the rate of a few dozen objects/month, how do you set things up from the beginning to allow this growth without preventing the correct overall functioning?

asked how to organize a project (also understood as a set of multiple Access files or similar) so that it can grow in size (number and size of forms, reports, modules) without exceeding the limits of the development environment

post #16
I asked:
" do you 'set things' up from the beginning to allow this growth.."
" to organize 'a project' to avoid it reaching dimensions incompatible.."

post #18
My question is aimed at understanding how it is possible to create a project where, while working within the imposed limits, it is possible to increase the number of forms / reports / modules in a transparent way for the user
post #23
but the question asked is:
- how to create/organize a project whose size in terms of number of objects (form/report/code) goes beyond the maximum limit possible with Access

Admittedly Post #18 is slightly different but we are back to the same basic question with post #23

With regards post #18 and 'transparency way for the user' - that would come down to two things - 1 a suitable menu system and 2 a means of updating the users front end automatically (for which there are numerous threads on this subject).

Having said that, why does it need to be transparent to the user? they've request a new form, you've developed it - then what? you quietly slip it into the front end and say nothing?
There are technical limits for the development environment, in this case Access, beyond which you can not go
My question is aimed at understanding how it is possible to create a project where, while working within the imposed limits, it is possible to increase the number of forms / reports / modules in a transparent way for the user
One possibility could be to create a single Access file that contains only the access menu to the programs (form + modules)
And then many other individual Access files for the operating procedures (form + report + modules)
Each one that respects the limits imposed by the version of Access with which it is being developed
But there are several problems to solve, the connection to the db tables, any common functions, the physical update of the db, etc ...
I asked the question thinking that this eventuality could have already been addressed and resolved in some way

Again, my answer is superficially the same. Planning is the sine qua non of handling large projects. There was the 6P rule that I recall when I worked for the pipeline control systems company TANO some years ago... Pathetically Poor Planning Produces Problematic Projects.

It seems that you HAVE done at least some planning, though, because you at least recognize the overall magnitude of the project. I see only changes in details but your answer will remain the same. But let's look at planning of a DB project.

If you can identify them well enough, these items need to be categorized into groups:
1. Importance: Ultra High - so important that you can't even have users yet until you have them. (Basic tables fall into this category.)
2. Importance: Selectively Ultra High - important enough to prevent use if you don't have it - but only to specific users
3. Importance: High - important in the long run
... I think you get the idea.
At the bottom of the list, ... Importance: I intend to get around to this eventually.
If you DON'T have that project bible of goals, inputs, outputs, and formulas, you WILL NOT be able to make this prioritized list.

Now itemize each item along with its dependencies and priority. Identify every case where in order to run procedure 1 you must first have built table 1 and query 1. In order to perform process 3 you must first run procedure 1 and then process 2. And so on...

This will be a standard project-flow chart, a Gannt chart. MS Project can do this; other commercial products abound. But without the planning and problem analysis, you can't develop a chart to help with the schedule part of the planning.

As to updating issues, what I did for my ongoing project was I tried to group my updates according to two basic alternatives: Updates that only affect the front end, and updates that affected the back-end. (It didn't actually matter if a back-end update was accompanied by a front-end update.)

For FE-only, see the methods used by Pat Harman that automatically updated the FE every time you launched it, by using a little batch job to copy the FE from a distribution directory. The users wouldn't even know it had occurred unless they tracked some visible indicator of version number. Or unless you told them ahead of time.

For BE updates, with or without FE updates, it is SUPREMELY important to have a scheduled down-time during which you can
1. Make a backup of the current BE file - a place you can get back to if the update fails.
2. Remove the BE file from the shared folder. That will prevent the FE from working while you are messing with the guts of your app.
3. Verify by examination and by simple testing that you have, in fact, made the update.
4. IF there was a parallel FE update, make that first.
5. Move the updated BE back to the shared folder.

At this point, you are back on the air again.

Now, the trick is to do your updates, segregating FE changes into those that are adding new features compatible with the existing schema and those that require the BE update. Then schedule those changes as noted above, realizing that the no-change-to-schema updates can occur darned near any time.

Setting this up so you CAN do this? In my Navy project that was pretty darned big, I had four environments. I'm not saying you absolutely MUST do it this way, but ... it worked for me.

There was a DEV folder (actually set of folders) where I did the modifications in isolation. The DEV copy of the FE pointed to a DEV copy of the BE, and NEITHER was visible to any users. When I was ready to do more strenuous / rigorous testing, I moved a copy to the TEST set of folders. Again, users never played with those folders. IF I had to go back to the drawing board, no harm and thus no foul. That was where I did compliance testing, destructive testing, ... whatever was needed. TEST files were simply snapshot copies of DEV files.

When I had something ready to become public, I had a third set of folders called STAGING. In the staging folder, I did some final polishing and preparation steps such as turning off the ribbon, blocking use of the SHIFT key on startup, and other things to secure the app as a whole. The only testing that occurred during staging was to verify that the process of securing the DB was correct. Finally, when all was ready to go...

If it was FE-only then the STAGING FE was moved to the PROD folders and pointed to the BE file. The "public" copy of the FE already in PROD would first be renamed to include a date like SADB_2015_11_31.ACCDB and then the new FE would then go into its place. This worked OK because users were always working from the copy made by that batch distribution script. Nobody EVER ran from the script in the shared folder. In fact, if anyone tried, the app would abort and send me an e-mail so that I could send the user a nasty-gram.

If it was a BE update, then it got trickier. There, I had to build a secondary procedure using DDL to make updates to the schema because I wanted to preserve the current data. So that meant that any time I was adding fields or changing field sizes or stuff like that, there was an update script. Oddly enough, adding new tables was easier since nobody would ever know about them even indirectly. I could just import the new tables from the STAGING copy, erasing content if needed or leaving defined content (such as, e.g. a translation table) in place.

In summary, how do you manage this? Treat it like you are a physician performing surgery on a beating heart. Plan every step ahead of time, and then, like in a surgical operating room, have your materials already laid out and ready to use. Set aside the time, don't give in to someone else's false ideas of how important THEIR report is to get it out on a particular date and time. Check around, decide when is the best time to do it, and then damn the impatient users, full speed ahead on the updates.

This is the closest I can come to explaining the kind of thinking and planning and supporting structure needed for a project of your size.
If you seriously anticipate your project growing to more than ~5000 modules and to more than 32768 objects in total, the best approach should be glaringly clear: Do not use Microsoft Access!

And, even though you do not want to hear this, I worked on multiple very large projects in Microsoft Access, on some over a period of decades(!). None of those even got remotely close to those limits. If you structure your work to avoid basically redundant objects with only minor differences between them, it should be nearly impossible to exceed those limits.

I think I've already answered this
The final size is not known
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I am sorry but this is a senseless non-question.

The group of people on this thread have likely made or been involved in 10s of thousands of Access databases. None of these people have ever gotten close in building a split front end database that even gets close to the limits of Access.

So you are proposing a question that is a waste of time, unless your are completely designing some stupid idea of an application.
Bottom line. If designing a normal well designed DB than this question is a waste of your time and others.

If you have such a bizarre unicorn DB then you have to give us some insight into what is so absolutely unique that you are going to do something that no one has ever seen. I sure cannot wrap my head around any application so poorly designed that you are entering SEVERAL DOZEN OBJECTS A MONTH. I can guarantee there is a serious problem in your design logic without looking at your plan. But since you are unwilling to share any information and only dismiss people who are clearly much more knowledgeable about Access then you, it is kind of hard to even guess at providing some answer to you.

If this is so absolutely unique and different from any other Access DB then use a different from end. Build it in Visual Studio using the language of your choice. If doing that then might as well use a SQL Server back end.

If your purpose is to prove you are the smartest person in the room by being so arrogant and dismissive, you are doing a really bad job convincing us.

No question is a waste of time, that's for sure
It may be that the question does not admit of solutions, stating this would already solve the initial question
My goal is to understand how to do something that I currently do not know how to do
If you think that this is demonstrating my intelligence, then I would say that it is a very strange way to do it, don't you think?
Truly, your question answers itself.

If the project grows beyond the limits of Access, then Access will prove not to have been the right tool. It's not more complicated than that.

No amount of advance planning or management can change that reality.

Unfortunately, there is no way for anyone to predict ahead of time what your project will turn out to encompass, and even you can only make informed predictions about how much the project can grow over time.

As others have stated, even the largest, most long-lived projects I ever worked on never got close to exhausting the limits of Access, so there is also no collective wisdom on dealing with that theoretical problem, either. I no longer maintain code from former clients, so I can't provide specifics. I can say that this never even came up as a consideration in more than 20 years.

On the other hand, I have worked on projects where the amount and types of data stored exceeded the limits of an accdb back end. In each case, we upgraded to SQL Server for data storage, but Access objects? Not even close.

I see that everyone refers to the programs they worked on and then says "..if I did this, then you can't do anything else.."
It's a highly illogical way to proceed
Maybe I'm asking for a technique/system that is normally never used with Access
But this should stimulate your curiosity to find a possible solution
I honestly don't understand, I'm proposing a problem that I think is interesting for everyone
And the answers I receive are of the type "..yes but my largest system is 70 Mb, and therefore I don't think you need more.."
What use do answers of this type have? None

It seems to me that everyone is confusing the term I use 'project' with 'single Access file', but I've already written that this is not the case
And so why are you all indicating that a single Access file can have 1000 forms and 1000 modules etc..?
I didn't ask any question.
If you consistently plan for your project to grow to an indefinite size, you can never start it because it might eventually grow so large that all computers in this universe combined will be unable to handle it.

Yes of course mine was not an answer to your question
You made a contrasting statement ("..If you seriously anticipate your project growing to more than..") with what I had already written before
I wanted to point this out to you
Again, my answer is superficially the same. Planning is the sine qua non of handling large projects. There was the 6P rule that I recall when I worked for the pipeline control systems company TANO some years ago... Pathetically Poor Planning Produces Problematic Projects.

It seems that you HAVE done at least some planning, though, because you at least recognize the overall magnitude of the project. I see only changes in details but your answer will remain the same. But let's look at planning of a DB project.

If you can identify them well enough, these items need to be categorized into groups:
1. Importance: Ultra High - so important that you can't even have users yet until you have them. (Basic tables fall into this category.)
2. Importance: Selectively Ultra High - important enough to prevent use if you don't have it - but only to specific users
3. Importance: High - important in the long run
... I think you get the idea.
At the bottom of the list, ... Importance: I intend to get around to this eventually.
If you DON'T have that project bible of goals, inputs, outputs, and formulas, you WILL NOT be able to make this prioritized list.

Now itemize each item along with its dependencies and priority. Identify every case where in order to run procedure 1 you must first have built table 1 and query 1. In order to perform process 3 you must first run procedure 1 and then process 2. And so on...

This will be a standard project-flow chart, a Gannt chart. MS Project can do this; other commercial products abound. But without the planning and problem analysis, you can't develop a chart to help with the schedule part of the planning.

As to updating issues, what I did for my ongoing project was I tried to group my updates according to two basic alternatives: Updates that only affect the front end, and updates that affected the back-end. (It didn't actually matter if a back-end update was accompanied by a front-end update.)

For FE-only, see the methods used by Pat Harman that automatically updated the FE every time you launched it, by using a little batch job to copy the FE from a distribution directory. The users wouldn't even know it had occurred unless they tracked some visible indicator of version number. Or unless you told them ahead of time.

For BE updates, with or without FE updates, it is SUPREMELY important to have a scheduled down-time during which you can
1. Make a backup of the current BE file - a place you can get back to if the update fails.
2. Remove the BE file from the shared folder. That will prevent the FE from working while you are messing with the guts of your app.
3. Verify by examination and by simple testing that you have, in fact, made the update.
4. IF there was a parallel FE update, make that first.
5. Move the updated BE back to the shared folder.

At this point, you are back on the air again.

Now, the trick is to do your updates, segregating FE changes into those that are adding new features compatible with the existing schema and those that require the BE update. Then schedule those changes as noted above, realizing that the no-change-to-schema updates can occur darned near any time.

Setting this up so you CAN do this? In my Navy project that was pretty darned big, I had four environments. I'm not saying you absolutely MUST do it this way, but ... it worked for me.

There was a DEV folder (actually set of folders) where I did the modifications in isolation. The DEV copy of the FE pointed to a DEV copy of the BE, and NEITHER was visible to any users. When I was ready to do more strenuous / rigorous testing, I moved a copy to the TEST set of folders. Again, users never played with those folders. IF I had to go back to the drawing board, no harm and thus no foul. That was where I did compliance testing, destructive testing, ... whatever was needed. TEST files were simply snapshot copies of DEV files.

When I had something ready to become public, I had a third set of folders called STAGING. In the staging folder, I did some final polishing and preparation steps such as turning off the ribbon, blocking use of the SHIFT key on startup, and other things to secure the app as a whole. The only testing that occurred during staging was to verify that the process of securing the DB was correct. Finally, when all was ready to go...

If it was FE-only then the STAGING FE was moved to the PROD folders and pointed to the BE file. The "public" copy of the FE already in PROD would first be renamed to include a date like SADB_2015_11_31.ACCDB and then the new FE would then go into its place. This worked OK because users were always working from the copy made by that batch distribution script. Nobody EVER ran from the script in the shared folder. In fact, if anyone tried, the app would abort and send me an e-mail so that I could send the user a nasty-gram.

If it was a BE update, then it got trickier. There, I had to build a secondary procedure using DDL to make updates to the schema because I wanted to preserve the current data. So that meant that any time I was adding fields or changing field sizes or stuff like that, there was an update script. Oddly enough, adding new tables was easier since nobody would ever know about them even indirectly. I could just import the new tables from the STAGING copy, erasing content if needed or leaving defined content (such as, e.g. a translation table) in place.

In summary, how do you manage this? Treat it like you are a physician performing surgery on a beating heart. Plan every step ahead of time, and then, like in a surgical operating room, have your materials already laid out and ready to use. Set aside the time, don't give in to someone else's false ideas of how important THEIR report is to get it out on a particular date and time. Check around, decide when is the best time to do it, and then damn the impatient users, full speed ahead on the updates.

This is the closest I can come to explaining the kind of thinking and planning and supporting structure needed for a project of your size.

I understand what you mean, and I sincerely appreciate the time spent on the explanation above
Which however does not affect the problem posed in the slightest

So, let's say I want to start a project (I'm talking about forms/reports/code, the data is on a classic db server), which allows the overcoming of the technical limits linked to each single Access file
And so if the maximum limit of forms that can be contained in a single Access file is 1000 then my project will have to include at least 1001 forms, same thing for reports, same exact thing for code

I ask this because once the optimal structure of the project has been found (and I mean the way to update the procedures, the way to reconnect the data tables, the way to control user access to the various objects, etc...) so that it allows to overcome the limit of objects of a single Access file then the thing is done
If this thing has never been done, and is therefore a novelty, it seems to me an excellent reason to find a solution, not a reason to to desist
Hasn't it? All seem to be about limits - this is an Access forum so if you don't mean Access (and I wouldn't be surprised, since you have done this before). you need to ask elsewhere. If you do mean Access then you have had the answer multiple times.



post #16

post #18

post #23

Admittedly Post #18 is slightly different but we are back to the same basic question with post #23

With regards post #18 and 'transparency way for the user' - that would come down to two things - 1 a suitable menu system and 2 a means of updating the users front end automatically (for which there are numerous threads on this subject).

Having said that, why does it need to be transparent to the user? they've request a new form, you've developed it - then what? you quietly slip it into the front end and say nothing?

Yes, of course we are talking about a project that uses Access as a development environment for forms/reports/code and a db server to hold the data

"..since you have done this before.." If you tell me where I would have asked questions that do not concern Access I would be grateful

I hope you'll excuse me, but I can't see where I would have posted 'different questions', if you point me to it then maybe I'll see it

When I wrote 'transparency way for the user' I meant that the user should do nothing more than start the program in the usual way, double-clicking on a link on the desktop, the initial form will appear and from there he will be able to perform the choices and operations foreseen by the program
I'm going to answer the original question in a different direction.

@amorosik, when you speak in generalities of how large your project is or will be, without us knowing the actual scale or details of the project we will be so hard-pressed to answer that you might as well not have asked the question. I'm not trying to be snarky here, so please try to understand my reasoning here. Many of us are either project analysts or system analysts, by training and/or by experience. We are accustomed to working with specifics, not total abstractions. We work from the forest to the trees. You are getting responses that reflect OUR inability to grasp the scope of YOUR project because your description is vague and tenuous at best. You aren't really telling us anything about the forest OR the trees.

I can only reiterate the other answers. If you know ahead of time that you will be exceeding the limits of Access then you have already made such a huge mistake that it is time to start over, and I'm serious. As a project manager, I would refuse to waste my time and my company's other resources on a project so badly doomed to failure. Any project that starts out KNOWING they will be straining limits has WOEFULLY ignored Murphy's Law of Project Management... The first 80% of your project will consume 80% of your resources. The last 20% of your project will consume the OTHER 80% of your resources. You can maybe get more money for a project that is running over budget. But you can't get more address space than the project tool will support and still keep things consistent and coherent.

You keep on talking in a way that seems ambiguous, and I have to call you out on that. You imply that you know you will come close to or even exceed Access limits in the FE in some way. You CANNOT KNOW THAT unless you have already done the detailed analysis. What's the matter? Don't like the answer that the analysis is giving? Because that is what it sounds like. You have recognized a "black hole of resources" and want to find a way to not encounter it.

Seriously, it is the unknown in any project that will cause you headaches and heartaches. You want to know HOW to plan for something that will in all probability overstress your project development tools. If that is what you have found, you CAN'T solve that problem thinking like a bulldozer going straight ahead at full throttle. The ONLY way to solve an insoluble problem is to change the problem to one you CAN solve. So if you know or have reason to believe that you WILL exceed the limits on Access, then change the problem. DON'T USE ACCESS. Pick something that CAN exceed those limits. Don't look for loopholes and detours through a badly obstructed path. That way lies madness. Look for unobstructed paths. If THAT isn't part of your planning results, then your planning was incomplete.

If this thing has never been done, and is therefore a novelty, it seems to me an excellent reason to find a solution, not a reason to to desist

The answers you got, in the form of "Do this with some other tool" ARE the solution to the problem of implementing the project. But if you have an absolute constraint to do this with Access, you may have already painted yourself into a corner. You seem to think that ANY problem can be overcome. To which I say: Any problem with unconstrained conditions can probably be solved. But if you have an over-constrained situation, the answer is NO. Not all heavily constrained problems can be solved. (See also Godel's Completeness Theory for an analogy.)
When I wrote 'transparency way for the user' I meant that the user should do nothing more than start the program in the usual way, double-clicking on a link on the desktop

My long response included and addressed this. I mentioned a little batch problem that Pat Hartman sometimes posts, a batch job that simply downloads the "master" FE file each time the user launches, which means if you put up a new version, the user doesn't know it because the batch job just goes for the file name. That's as transparent as the FE update ever gets.

And if there is a BE update, there is no substitute for down-time. You want transparency? The moment you have a BE change, you CAN'T instantly perform that update, even if it involves an active BE non-Access server. Schema changes are not instantaneous. So transparency when a BE change is pending is a chimera - a non-existent beast.
My long response included and addressed this. I mentioned a little batch problem that Pat Hartman sometimes posts, a batch job that simply downloads the "master" FE file each time the user launches, which means if you put up a new version, the user doesn't know it because the batch job just goes for the file name. That's as transparent as the FE update ever gets.

And if there is a BE update, there is no substitute for down-time. You want transparency? The moment you have a BE change, you CAN'T instantly perform that update, even if it involves an active BE non-Access server. Schema changes are not instantaneous. So transparency when a BE change is pending is a chimera - a non-existent beast.

I read Pat's post you referenced
And it certainly can help with some of the issues with updating procedures

"..The moment you have a BE change.." if the BE changes it's because the program code has changed it, via sql instructions, and therefore the reconnection of modified tables can be done immediately after the BE structure change
I'm going to answer the original question in a different direction.

@amorosik, when you speak in generalities of how large your project is or will be, without us knowing the actual scale or details of the project we will be so hard-pressed to answer that you might as well not have asked the question. I'm not trying to be snarky here, so please try to understand my reasoning here. Many of us are either project analysts or system analysts, by training and/or by experience. We are accustomed to working with specifics, not total abstractions. We work from the forest to the trees. You are getting responses that reflect OUR inability to grasp the scope of YOUR project because your description is vague and tenuous at best. You aren't really telling us anything about the forest OR the trees.

I can only reiterate the other answers. If you know ahead of time that you will be exceeding the limits of Access then you have already made such a huge mistake that it is time to start over, and I'm serious. As a project manager, I would refuse to waste my time and my company's other resources on a project so badly doomed to failure. Any project that starts out KNOWING they will be straining limits has WOEFULLY ignored Murphy's Law of Project Management... The first 80% of your project will consume 80% of your resources. The last 20% of your project will consume the OTHER 80% of your resources. You can maybe get more money for a project that is running over budget. But you can't get more address space than the project tool will support and still keep things consistent and coherent.

You keep on talking in a way that seems ambiguous, and I have to call you out on that. You imply that you know you will come close to or even exceed Access limits in the FE in some way. You CANNOT KNOW THAT unless you have already done the detailed analysis. What's the matter? Don't like the answer that the analysis is giving? Because that is what it sounds like. You have recognized a "black hole of resources" and want to find a way to not encounter it.

Seriously, it is the unknown in any project that will cause you headaches and heartaches. You want to know HOW to plan for something that will in all probability overstress your project development tools. If that is what you have found, you CAN'T solve that problem thinking like a bulldozer going straight ahead at full throttle. The ONLY way to solve an insoluble problem is to change the problem to one you CAN solve. So if you know or have reason to believe that you WILL exceed the limits on Access, then change the problem. DON'T USE ACCESS. Pick something that CAN exceed those limits. Don't look for loopholes and detours through a badly obstructed path. That way lies madness. Look for unobstructed paths. If THAT isn't part of your planning results, then your planning was incomplete.

The answers you got, in the form of "Do this with some other tool" ARE the solution to the problem of implementing the project. But if you have an absolute constraint to do this with Access, you may have already painted yourself into a corner. You seem to think that ANY problem can be overcome. To which I say: Any problem with unconstrained conditions can probably be solved. But if you have an over-constrained situation, the answer is NO. Not all heavily constrained problems can be solved. (See also Godel's Completeness Theory for an analogy.)

" large your project is.."
The maximum project size can be defined with extreme precision
The project must be able to contain X+1 objects
Where X is the maximum number of objects that can be managed by a single Access file
When this problem is solved, any growth can be supported

" this with some other tool" ARE the solution to the problem.."
If the question is: how to do this using Access, it seems clear to me that 'other tools' is not the solution to the question posed
With 'other tools' it is already clear how to create projects of any size
I would like to understand how to do it with Access (if it is possible)

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