Most/all of your combos will be driven from the Type tables - using a query of the table to show the displayed value, hiding the stored ID of the particular type. Type table lists should not be arbitrarily edited - you need to avoid multiple terms being used for the same type. However they can be set up so that if a value is entered that does not exist the form controlling such additions is displayed. There are other methods too.. If you discover data items not covered by the Type list that likely leads to needing to create another Type table. As mentioned earlier these simple Type tables can be combined into one master table holding all the types each type being distinguished by the TypeCategory (ActionType, ProjectStatus, etc)Another quick question.
Data validation best practice. How would you control a Combo box to show a known list of values?
Do I create a table for each combo box? Most need to be lists which are occasionally edited by an end user
In excel I had them all in 1 sheet as Named Tables
The lists for these Types should not (generally) be long - the user should be able to see the item they wish to select in the list displayed. If they are longer consider a find-as-you-type option for the combo (not available by default).
Anther trick, if needed, is to use a mapping between equivalent types and the master of those types so that selections/entries made in the "real data" can then pick up the masterID for that type. Not often used. However if you need to migrate your spreadsheet data and users have created some false duplicate Types a mapping table is used to clean the data on import.