How to see the UN and PC Name of locked Records

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Today, 02:52
Apr 25, 2019
I am using Access in a slightly unconventional way, though I highly doubt I am the only one. I have a PEER TO PEER network, no client server. ONE of my PCs on my Peer to Peer Network has Windows Server 2019 installed with 20 user licenses and 20 RDP licenses. All the others are Windows 10/11.

I have 5 total locations (Stores) in 5 separate cities in Illinois. My network is located only in my main location (Palatine, IL).

All 20 of my users, including the ones located in my main location (Palatine, IL), where my network is located, use RDP (All using the same Public IP Address with a dedicated port forwarded to the PC with the Server OS) to access my Access DB.

I have FE files on each RDP users' Desktop and the all point to ONE BE file located in a folder on the Server PC.

This configuration works very well and very fast and allows very easy maintenance of FE and BE updates.

The issue I am having is that we use Record Level Locking and occasionally a record is left in editing mode. I have some code i found that is supposed to tell me User Name and PC Name of the locked record, but because of my "special" configuration, it shows the wrong UN and PC Name.

I have a small FE and BE file but cant seem to upload here. Please contact me if you would like me to send them to you. Thanks!

Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks!


  • Who has record locked.jpg
    Who has record locked.jpg
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Does the code you found examines the LACCDB file to get the user info?
The issue I am having is that we use Record Level Locking and occasionally a record is left in editing mode. I
Stop trying to control record locks. Access handles record locks correctly if you leave it alone. You may have to trap the error in order to give the user a better error message than the confusing one they get when a record is locked which gives them 3 mysterious choices.
Pat Hartman, Im not controlling anything. I just wanted to see if anyone knew how to get the information. Tahnks!
Access specifically does not have Autosave for a reason. I would not add this "feature".

Leave the default at "no locks" which is actually "optimistic locking". This tells Access to wait to lock the record immediately prior to the save so you don't interfere with other people viewing/editing data. You are using "pessimistic locking" which means that you are preventing other people from accessing the record even when you don't have to.

In most applications, there is very little chance of update clashes since most updates are triggered by some user interaction. A customer calls and you need to do something. A payment is received and you need to record it, etc.

If you want an AutoSave for the reasons identified by Richard's user, I would use a temp table rather than automatically saving the record. All records need validation code but you can't validate a record until it is complete so you actually don't want to initiate a save mid data entry.
Pat, maybe you want to re-read my original post. I'm not asking about whether to lock or not lock records. thanks jm
Is it possible, that you have an orphaned/invisible Microsoft Access instance running on any client when this occasionally locking of a record happens?
Take a look in the processes list of the Windows Task Manager and search for 'msaccess.exe'.
I know. You are asking who locked a record and I'm telling you NOT to lock records using the record locking method and eliminate the problem that way. I have had a couple of applications with task lists. This does present a locking problem because you want the task to stay in the list until someone marks it complete but that could take a few minutes and leaves open the potential for two people to pick the same task to work on.

To solve this problem, I added locked time and locked by fields to the high level record shown in the task list AND the task list shows these fields so it is easy to see that someone is already working on a task. However, if your list has not recently refreshed, it may be stale and so you open a record locked by another. It opens locked and displays the person currently working on the problem. You can view the data but you are not allowed to edit it so you go back to the list and pick a new item.

When the user is finished updating and saves the record, the locked time/by fields are set to null releasing the record and the task is marked as complete which removes it from the task list when the list refreshes.

This leaves us with the problem of records being left locked. So, if a user finds a record that is locked but the date is old, he can call the admin and the admin can manually remove the lock. When the admin opens the database, he automatically gets a list of records that have been locked for more than 1 hour so he can be proactive about fixing any problems. Records can get left locked if there is a network blip or power blip and the PC needs to have a hard restart or a hard close of Access.
Is it possible, that you have an orphaned/invisible Microsoft Access instance running on any client when this occasionally locking of a record happens?
Take a look in the processes list of the Windows Task Manager and search for 'msaccess.exe'.
I checked that, an no, that is not the case. thanks
There is an inherent assumption in what I'm about to tell you. The idea is that if you have a record locked, you have a file handle open, unless there has been a failure and the file locking mechanism thinks it has released the record when it actually has not. (If THAT happens, you are kind of screwed anyway.)

Windows uses Distributed Lock Management, which means that the "owning host" of a file manages all of its locks. That means the lock information you need is on the machine hosting the back-end file. Therefore, on that server machine, the one that holds the "back-end" file that is getting locked AND the machine that manages your RDP functions, use the Windows Start (lower left Window icon) >> Windows Tools >> Resource Monitor. Launch it. Give it about 2 seconds to stabilize.

Now look at the display. You will see four sections. For Win11, they are CPU, DISK, NETWORK, and MEMORY. You can use the mouse to drag over the top and bottom of each section to change its size. There is a down-arrow (for Win11) to expand or totally shrink each section. If you click on a column header, you will sort the display according to what is in that column, whether it is alphabetic or numeric.

In the DISK section, click in the File column. This sorts the column by alphabetic order of drive letter, complete folder path, name, and type (i.e. the fully qualified file specification). You WILL see the same file in several rows if that file is being shared. After you have the file column sorted by file spec, scroll to find your back-end file. In the PID (process ID) column you will see numbers from (probably) single-digits to maybe as high as 5 digits. Record the PID of each process listed as having opened your back-end file.

In each of the other sections, the PID has the same meaning and you could correlate activity if it suits you. That is, if you look at PID 1234 in each section, you would see statistics on what that process with that PID was doing.

You said that every user RDP'd in to a PRIVATE copy of the Front-End file. If each user has their own little private niche, you can do this. So still in the DISK section, now click on the PID column and scroll to find the PIDs that you discovered were using the BE file. This will show multiple lines which tell you the files each process has open, and each process will have ONE file that uniquely corresponds to one of the private profile paths on that server. If you know the private path for each RDP user, then you can see which user is represented by each PID and that will tell you who has the file open.

So far as I know, the only way to know which user has the specific record open would be a device-driver hack to see what SMB network connection pointed to a particular record, which does you no good because Access is not OpenSource and therefore, you have no reasonable way to know the disk address of the locked record. So this is as far as you can go.

NOTE that some folks do this the easier way by knowing the name of each user's computer, but I'm not sure what you would see in this case since ALL of your users are coming in through the same computer - the server. But if they have different login names, opening the .LACCDB file might show you usernames. Depending on how you manage logins, it might NOT show you distinct usernames.
Thank you for all that info! I am reviewing your suggestions, but in the File list the are referring to in RM, the only reference to the BE file, While multiple users are accessing the BE, is a system access with PID 4. That is probably not what i want. I can see references to the FEs of the users, and I do know the paths, but that wont help with the record locking on the BE file. At this point, I am convinced that the way I am doing it prevents me from any "simple" way of retrieving the information I need, so I am abandoning this project. Thanks for your detailed attempt! JM

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