How to Select a Row in a Datasheet


Registered User.
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Today, 10:35
Feb 25, 2007
I want to select a row in a datasheet (I want to turn the whole row black).
Is there any way to do this from VBA?

I've tried messing with the selHeight and setTop settings but they seem to act as read-only.

Thank you,
Try using the acCmdSelectRecord arguement of the DoCmd.RunCommand method.

Me!TheSubFormControl.SetFocus ' if focus is on a main form
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSelectRecord
Thanks for the Help.
It does select the record, now i'm just trying to work out the bugs...
... every time i click anywhere else on the form, the record in the subform-datasheet unselects itself....

Thanks again,
Grin - out of my league, I'm afraid. I stopped liking datasheet view long ago, and use mainly continuous forms or listboxes in stead - good luck ;)

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