How to specfy ALL in a list.

Yes that's correct
Regarding normalization.

Each branch have different set of products.
That happened because i picked only items that branches decided to stock.
Each branch desides that independantly.

But they take data from the same productfile.
Product file determins item and PGSG just once.

So to that extend we are normalized.
Does each branch deal only with a specific PGSG, or only with a select number of product from all PGSG's
Each branch deal with items only.
If they want to stock it - they mark it StockYes.
They might not know about PGSG at all.

Purchasing is using PGSG do determine how to buy different groups of items.
Does each branch deal only with a specific PGSG, or only with a select number of product from all PGSG's

Never Mind just had a quick look at the data and it would seem that there is no real relation ship between branches and items, as ABS221K appears beside all three branches in your data set.
yes, because it's popular product and all branches stock it.
I've modified the DB a little, perhaps this is heading in the direction you are after.


Lots of good stuff.
But still no HD50
Lots of good stuff.
But still no HD50

Not everything is going to be served up to you on a platter.

There are enough examples of how you might achieve this result in the sample I posted, so before I post my amendments to my sample, I want you to demonstrate that you have had a red hot attempt at achieving your goal without my assistance.

I'll be happy to answer any specific questions you might have along the way. I'll also provide you with the reference I used to create the SQL in the two existing combos. And a hint here; what I did was first create the combo using the wizard so that it was selecting the data I was after. I then edited combo's Row Source SQL to match the example in the link I provided.

Remember Google is a fantastic resource, it relies only on you asking the right question and then filtering the response for the information you require.

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