You will have to use Crosstab queries to achieve what you desire. First you have to write an Intermediate query that converts your age and gender to age group and string notation that you require. That query is a normal query as given below.
SELECT IIf([Age]<=10,"0-10",IIf([Age]<=15,"11-15",IIf([Age]<=25,"16-25",IIf([Age]<=40,"25-40","Above 40")))) AS [Age Group], IIf([Gender]=1,"M","F") AS Gender_Str, Table2.Education
FROM myTable
ORDER BY IIf([Age]<=10,"0-10",IIf([Age]<=15,"11-15",IIf([Age]<=25,"16-25",IIf([Age]<=40,"25-40","Above 40"))));
Then create a Crosstab query based on Inter_Query. Choose Age Group as Row Headings, Gender_Str as Column Headings and Count of Age_Group or Gender_Str or Education as Values. Later you can add additional row headings to indicate the percentages or sum of education values as you want.
Your completed crosstab query should look something like this.
TRANSFORM Count(Inter_Query.Gender_Str) AS [Count]
SELECT Inter_Query.[Age Group], Sum(Inter_Query.Education) AS [Total Of Education]
FROM Inter_Query
GROUP BY Inter_Query.[Age Group]
PIVOT Inter_Query.Gender_Str;