here's copy of my db
open form "frmplant"
Select Plant Type From Combo Box
then press command button " Add service"
this will open From "frmpopupPlantservice with sub from plantservicetbl subform
this will give you the service details of the plant item
then you will see text box showing next service due in the page footer
the Plantservicetbl subform record source Qryplantservice this were i need you to look
there is speech bubbles to help aswell
View attachment shanetest2.zip
here's copy of my db
open form "frmplant"
Select Plant Type From Combo Box
then press command button " Add service"
this will open From "frmpopupPlantservice with sub from plantservicetbl subform
this will give you the service details of the plant item
then you will see text box showing next service due in the page footer
the Plantservicetbl subform record source Qryplantservice this were i need you to look
there is speech bubbles to help aswell
View attachment shanetest2.zip