How to talk to a programmer

Yes, indeed that perhaps namliam had clearly answered it, do you think for me that has little knowledge about code (that is why I am asking for help) would automatically get what is the answer that namliam is pertaining to? Yes I am in the internet cafe and I cannot test it. while I got back home after that, it tested to debug.print it however that doesnt work. I tried msgbox err.description and it states the problem in the FROM Clause. and I tried to modify and modify the code at home but none worked.

I wont be asking for that question in here if I have managed to solve it myself or from the researched I have been doing googling and gooling.

genesis - i added a reply to your thread now, and THEN read this thread. [the post about the insertinto query]

I think it is highly likely that anyone reading your thread would be highly confused. - not necessarily because what yuo are trying to do is wrong - it may not be incorrect, and it may well be a simple fix - its just that the functionality you are trying to use appears somewhat esoteric (if thats the right word) - I didnt realise at all that you could directly address an external database in the way you have - as scooter just said, using linked tables is easier. Possibly very few posters would have the time to experiment, to see how your construct worked.

And therefore because the query was outside the knowledge/experience of many of the regular posters here, you probably didnt get many takers

i thought about this again (ie why would you want to do this without linking the tables), and on reflection i can perhaps understand that in a company you may have several related but distinct databases, and that information in one needs to be passed into another - without necessarily permanaently linking the tables. I cant envisage this being needed outside a work environment, and it therefore seems curious that you are asking form an internet cafe, but perhaps thats a timing thing

In my opinion this forum is the best and easiest to use, and I am sure not many posters fail to get an answer.

Hopefully you will get a solution to your problem

[edited - reading the whole of this thread again, the other post you refer to, which you bumped several times, (and which i also replied to) was again dealing with a fairly unusual code. [linking databases/tables] - it does seems that you are trying to do some things in an unusual way, or in a different way to most posters here - i am not sure where you got the code, or even exactly what you are trying to achieve - and as such you are probably less likely to get useful responses.

you also said rhetorically that you didnt think your queries were difficult - well they seemed very obscure and complicated to me - and certainly not enquiries to which I could give any more than just general information - which I tried to do

Please note this isnt meant to be controversial - just a viewpoint/explanation]
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thanks for the comment and reply Dave. Yes, maybe what I have been doing (my project) maybe possible few posters have experimented on it. however my project was just important for me.

If there is this ReLinker somewhere to link one database to other database, my project Linker will link infinite number of database (if that will accomodate the destination database) to the frontend. That is necessary because my project involves several backends.

my other project is the Synchronizer in Access 2007 (accdb format) in which built-in access 2007 synchronizer is available only to mdb format. my synchronizer will synchronize multiple if not infinite number of backend database to the frontend and vice versa. Not necessary to know what is the master replica or the replica itself.

That project is necessary for multiple offices that needs their records to be synchronize. This project is necessary because they dont use online internet transaction.
this is the picture of the result of my work


  • Linker.JPG
    94.3 KB · Views: 348
  • synchronizer.JPG
    97 KB · Views: 352
Yes, indeed that perhaps namliam had clearly answered it, do you think for me that has little knowledge about code (that is why I am asking for help) would automatically get what is the answer that namliam is pertaining to?
I gave an alternate way of writing your sql and said what the problem was...
You are missing a bloody space! A SPACE, if you have the ability to type a post you can find the missing space yourself!

You just want the clear cut answer, which I am not giving !

Yes I am in the internet cafe and I cannot test it. while I got back home after that, it tested to debug.print it however that doesnt work. I tried msgbox err.description and it states the problem in the FROM Clause. and I tried to modify and modify the code at home but none worked.

I wont be asking for that question in here if I have managed to solve it myself or from the researched I have been doing googling and gooling.

You didnt solve it but never matter, you turned of the error message

What didnt work about debug.print? Debug.print CANNOT FAIL!
I gave an alternate way of writing your sql and said what the problem was...
You are missing a bloody space! A SPACE, if you have the ability to type a post you can find the missing space yourself!

You just want the clear cut answer, which I am not giving !

This is one thing I didn't understand, I can understand not doing all of the work for someone but genesis had done the work but like all of us at sometime had made a simple syntax error, the easiest of things to do and the hardest to spot in one's own work, why not just show it rather than play games?

Instead of handing him the answer to this problem I gave him a tool to solve many a problem including this one.... I am a strong believer in the "learn to fish" mentality...
Instead of handing him the answer to this problem I gave him a tool to solve many a problem including this one.... I am a strong believer in the "learn to fish" mentality...

I agree with that and think that your method of writing the SQL is correct and i hope that he adopts it, but you can never legislate against syntax errors

but you can never legislate against syntax errors
Yes Syntax errors well they will happen and do happen.

Yet there is a tool Debug.print which somehow magicaly doesnt seem to work?? :confused:

This shows you the sql then you can track down the error.
So ... barring giving him the exact position of the exact line of the exact part of the sql where he is missing a space....
Barring copying the sql and physicaly inserting the space myself... How else can I be of service...

I might be getting somewhat short fused about things like this, but come on... The fact that 20 people are discussing this one thing / this one event / this one post / this one person....

If you are not getting answers as you would like then to be practical you need to change something as you won't change the others and especially since only a very small percentage of members are on this thread. In other words the problem needs to be fixed at your end for you to get your desired result.

i think the thing is that the stuff you are using/trying to use, is probably meant as a host system to which you can attach several unrelated databases, and select one that you wish to use.

what i think you are doing is mistaking this for a general way to construct a single database - and you will have permanaent grief if you continue in this way.
Does sometone on this forum have more than one username?
Boro, if you suspect someone has more than one username, suggest that you report to the moderators by using the Report Post button (that's a little triangle sign with the ! in it, on the right corner of each poster's post. They can then check the IP and other information and make the determination for themselves.

While I don't know exactly what they stand with duplicate or multiple accounts, personally I despise people who deign to create more than one accounts. Frankly, there's no good reason to have multiple accounts though I know few has made duplicates because they forgot their original username or password, though I think ideally the moderators should help them merge the duplicate accounts into one account so nobody has duplicates. No need for them, really!
@Banana It was just suspition with niance of joke
<shrug> I'd like to think people would not do that, but it has happened and IMNSHO shouldn't be tolerated. Other forums I've been to usually consider this bannable offense, especially in context of malicious use such as to impersonate a different identity or to circumvent a restriction while those who made multiple accounts without knowing about the facility available to retrieve the lost username or password usually are helped to get it merged.
Didnt I mentioned here that I can see whose individual online are capable but nonetheless didn't bother.

And why should that matter? We are ALL VOLUNTEERS here and I know that there are times where I just don't want to answer a question, even though I may know the answer, because of several possible reasons:

1. I just don't feel like it.

2. It would require typing a LOT to explain (and I hate typing or writing)

3. the question seems like it could end up going off on other tangents and I just don't have the time to deal with it now.

4. And, I may just not know the answer (nobody knows EVERYTHING about Access - although there are a few which must be pretty close - and I'm not one of them)

and there may be more...

So, when you post to a forum, you get what you get and you should not expect to get anything and if you do get something you should be grateful to get something because it didn't come with a financial cost to you. All you had to provide was time and if you don't have the time to allocate to wait for an answer then you should seek PAID professional help.

Does that help explain things?
This is where I dont get it. Like this post of mine,

I haven't studied the thread in detail, but it seems to me that you asked the wrong question. I may simply be skimming too fast, but it seems you need to reconnect to multiple back ends (for which I have a ready-made utility already available that's been in production use for over 8 years,, but you asked a question about loops.

Maybe I skipped too much of the thread (your post was too verbose and didn't get to the point; also the code was poorly formatted and hard to read) and have missed the point.

But that would sort of demonstrate why your post got no useful responses for a long time.
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well people have different perceptions. anyway maybe you have also made it clear to me when you said that when you read post #20 and you could not continue on due to your concentration level.

I didn't read through to the end of #20, either. It rambled too much without any clear point, so I bailed on it.

The lesson, I think is:

1. get to the point.

2. don't offer side observations that don't contribute to #1.

Now, I'm one who makes huge long posts sometimes, but I try to break those up with formatting that makes things clear, headers, list numbers, bullet points, properly-formatted code, etc. So, you can make a long post and still be comprehensible if you format things in a way that makes it easy to get to the point of the post.
just like with my question post/right now about

is that difficult, wasn't I properly asked? didn't i tried to research it myself before I came here and ask for assistance?

The first answer you got was actually correct, but it wasn't very helpfully worded. An appropriate response from you to it might have been something like:

"Sorry, but I'm just not seeing the missing space. Can you point it out to me, please?"

You could have thrown in a little self-deprecating humor to help things along ("I must be blind, but..."). You don't really need to be in front of Access to figure out this one, seems to me, so your followon about not being able to test didn't make me think you were trying very hard. It just made it look to me like you were either not all that interested in working too hard to figure out the answer, or were wanting someone to spoonfeed you the answer.

There are ways to ask for the latter, since programmers of all experienced levels can sometimes encounter a block and not see the obvious.

But your responses suggested more of a lack of interest in trying than they did a simple perception block.
WoW! THIS THREAD SURE HAS COME ALIVE AGAIN. Probably my wise words to start it off. :D
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Instead of handing him the answer to this problem I gave him a tool to solve many a problem including this one.... I am a strong believer in the "learn to fish" mentality...

that may be true namliam but you see if you are going to teach a man to fish for the first time, you dont give him the tool immediately and let me him learn by the tool. what you are going to do is to show him first how the tool works by doing it yourself like so he can adopt how you do it. because you cannot just give him the tool and just say swing the fishing rod over there because thats the ways to do it.

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