I can't logon

lois chipperfie

Registered User.
Local time
Today, 21:17
Sep 5, 2002
For some reason whenever I try to open any database file or even create a new one, I get a logon box--my name is in the top part--probably because I'm running Windows 2000 and it got it from that. However, I HAVE NOT EVER put a password protect on anything. I did copy the Northwind sample database to my computer. Please help. I cannot even use Access right now!
At some point, you joined a workgroup. That changed the default workgroup in the registry so Access assumes that you want to continue using that workgroup until you join another. To get back to the default workgroup, open the workgroup administrator and join System.mdw.

Most people don't realize that Access databases are ALWAYS secured. When Access is installed, Access sets system.mdw as the default workgroup. Admin is the default user and admin has rights to everything. So, to the naked eye, the db appears to be unsecured.
I cannot even get that far. As soon as I click on "new file" or double click on a file on the desktop, I'm asked for my password. Please continue to help!!!
Does it also do this when you double-click a file that ISN'T a database? Is the directory in question a shared directory?

Either of these would make it a directory or network protection issue, not an Access issue.
The path to the workgroup administrator is:


on my PC which is running win95 and A97. It will likely be different on yours. You need to search for WRKGADM.EXE and run it. When it opens, you want to join system.mdw which you'll also need to find on your PC. If you are running multiple versions of Access on your PC, you will find multiple copies of system.mdw in different directories. Make sure you choose the correct one.
Thanks for your suggestions. Here's what fixed it. I copied the system.mdw file from a machine that Access worked on and recopied it to the two locations on this machine where it resided that wasn't cooperating first renaming the original files with the extension .old. Now it is fine. Have no idea how this happened but at least I now know the cure!!!
Security Wizard undo ! ! !

I totaly lost access to every Access program I had. I ran the Sec Wizard on the LAN for the single data base and everything got messed up. Thanks for the idea to search for WRKGADM.EXE and run it. The only differance I did was had it create a new one and drop it were it wanted to. (not under System were I was told by a co-worker). I replaced the copy there and everything works ! ! ! Just wanted to get a solution out there.

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