I need a smiple Module to do an advanced update to an existing data file


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Today, 13:04
May 22, 2006
It has been many years since I have done any Access programming. I typically use SQL but I have some rather complex string manipulation that I need to do to one column in a file and the file is larger than Excel can handle. The problem is that I don't remember the first thing to creating a Module in Access. If someone could provide a simple but complete module sample that would first open a file and loop through the file reading in every row and performing some simple modifcation to a string column, that would make my day. Thanks in advance!!!
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I don't know if I can help, but you can help get your answer by clarifying what kind of 'data file' you are talking about.

My file is already in MS Access. I already imported my text file into MS Access and now I just want to run a routine that updates a field in the current file. For example purposes, what I need to do is to change the following Text field from "abc#def#ghi#" to = "3". "3" indicates how many "#" are contained in the field.
You need to create a custom funtion with VBA to count the # signs. Something like below should work.

Public Function CountOf(Text As String) As Long
    Dim strText As String
    Dim lngCnt, lngSize As Long
    strText = Text
    lngSize = Len(strText)
    For X = 1 To lngSize
        If Mid(strText, X, 1) = "#" Then
            lngCnt = lngCnt + 1
        End If
    Next X
    CountOf = lngCnt
End Function
Thanks for your response. The problem that I am struggling with is how to perform that function on each row in my MS Accesss Data file. I assume I somehow need to read in each row from my data file, lets call it (myfile), and update the field called (myfield). In SQL I would simple perform and UPDATE statement but becuase the logic that I need to do on the Text value (myfield) is more complex than SQL can handle I need to be able to do this via a function. I don't so much need assistance with the code to determine the new text string as I do with reading the file in and performing an update on each row. Hope this helps to clear it up some. Thanks again.
So basically you want to import the file into access do your string manipulation than export the file out of Access? If so to what format? A text file? I would paste the funtion I wrote into a module and then use the funtion in a query. Then you can export your query to the external format. Is there a reason why you must change the actual field?
Thanks Keith. The part I was missing was that I could use that Function in a Query (yeah, I am pretty Access green). This is perfect. Thanks for your help!!!

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