Immigration should be limited based on a knowledge of past costs per immigrant and an educated look at the economic and social effect of such immigration. It cannot be right, regardless of human interest issues, to allow nearly unlimited immigration.
There is another consideration: People who flee difficult times will flock to the place they think will be easier on them. But making their lives easier also weakens them in terms of societal survival - and it weakens us. Maybe where they were living was so corrupt and violent that lots of people died. But to go to a land of "milk and honey" makes you lazy.
The Roman Empire fell because of immigration. Different details of course, but same general result. According to an article from History.COM, Rome fell due to several factors that potentially apply here and now to various degrees. The parallels are there. Here is their list, annotated.
1. Invasion by Barbarians - we have Islamic and Cartel and Street Gang immigration, much like the invasion of the Huns and Goths, and they have all set up their own little internal enclaves. This cannot be good.
2. Internal financial crises - caused by overspending. (See also findings of DOGE.) The stresses lead to over-taxation and inflation. There was also a labor deficit because nobody wanted to work any more, leading to agricultural issues and diminished food supply.
3. Rise of Eastern Empire - in this case, rise of Islam? This ancient link to modern times might be a bit more tenuous, but it is true that we have conflicts with our eastern neighbors.
4. Over-expansion leading to increases in military spending - trying to be the world's policeman doesn't seem to be working and it costs a lot!
5. Government corruption and political instability - the adversarial nature of our politics has intensified in the last 20+ years. In the last four years we've had incompetent leadership from Sleepy Joe not to mention the corruption implicit in preemptive presidential pardons. Trump's first term was marred by excessive Liberal resistance to change and he was further made ineffective by Mother Nature's COVID pandemic.
6. Arrival of the Huns and immigration of barbarian tribes - our immigration policies (or lack of same) pushed by liberals matches up with this historical immigration that went a lot further than just "barbarians at the gates."
7. Increased influence of Christianity - replaced now by the increased influence of other systems that eroded personal values. In essence, the power structure, in making concessions to multiple social forces, diluted itself.
8. Weakening of Roman legions - corresponding to relatively modern weakening of U.S. Military. In the 1940s we fought a two-front all-out war. It took four years to finish it, but we did. Current estimates suggest that we cannot currently manage a 1 1/2 front all out war.
The Roman Empire didn't fall apart instantly. It slowly crumbled. I wonder if that is going to happen to us. Then there are days where I ask if we haven't already started crumbling.