Send UK illegals to America!

Nicely sidestepped.
Is your view indicative of the middle class Americans? I think your view of excluding certain groups is rather Dickensian.
No. Just saying that they shouldn't have a say in how the government gets to spend my money. I didn't say I wasn't willing to give a hand up.
No. Just saying that they shouldn't have a say in how the government gets to spend my money. I didn't say I wasn't willing to give a hand up.
So how do you distinguish between genuine dole people who have fallen on hard times not of their making, and excluding scroungers from voting.
Doesn't every genuine US citizen have the right to vote if eligible? I'm guessing it's in the comic you call 'the constitution ' if so, you're proposing changing the rules of your democracy.
Here's a thought, why not exclude women from voting too. After all they should be raising kids properly to avoid them smashing up congress
So how do you distinguish between genuine dole people who have fallen on hard times not of their making, and excluding scroungers from voting.
Why do I have to distinguish? If I have to draw a line, then if you're on the dole for more than 6 months the previous year, you don't get to vote this year. It isn't a permanent thing. Duh!
Why do I have to distinguish? If I have to draw a line, then if you're on the dole for more than 6 months the previous year, you don't get to vote this year. It isn't a permanent thing. Duh!
Ah, got it. You want to stop all dole people from voting if they fit your criteria even if it goes against their human rights and voting eligibility.
So how about those on long term disability benefit? They are the same as innocent dole people, just a different kind of benefit. You can't exclude one type and not a similar recipient of benefits. Or doesn't that apply in your mind. Duh! (Whatever that means)
Ah, got it. You want to stop all dole people from voting if they fit your criteria even if it goes against their human rights and voting eligibility.
Excuse me but who says they have a RIGHT to my earnings? Don't try to guilt me. What kind of a Socialist are you? Remember Maggie's famous words - "eventually you run out of other people's money". That's what happens when you allow yourself to be bullied into allowing OTHER PEOPLE to control the product of YOUR hard work. I don't ever drop money into the can of a beggar but I have taken the occasional lunch order and delivered it. I choose who I help and what I give. No one has any right to demand that I give them anything. I have paid for groceries for the person in front of or behind me if it looked like they could use the help but first I asked them privately because I didn't want to embarrass them.
Yes we have delivery firms here that deliver McDonald's or KFC, chinese or Indian meals, also -

You should use the self service checkouts, much quicker to scan your items yourself, no queue and pay by card or cash. It would save you money by not having to pay for other people's groceries in the queue for the checkout girl.
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So how do you distinguish between genuine dole people who have fallen on hard times not of their making, and excluding scroungers from voting.
Doesn't every genuine US citizen have the right to vote if eligible? I'm guessing it's in the comic you call 'the constitution ' if so, you're proposing changing the rules of your democracy.
Here's a thought, why not exclude women from voting too. After all they should be raising kids properly to avoid them smashing up congress

Here's a thought, why not spend some time here and get to know the people who are on the dole. Then you'll know what we know rather than continually wondering out loud. There should be a limit to government handouts that hard working people are paying for. Our country has gone too far in one direction, it needs to be reigned in.
Why to America?

People from most of the nations south of the USA seem to want to get here. We are now seeing folks who emigrated from southeastern Europe and several Middle Eastern countries first to South or Central American, then take the trek north to get here.
People from most of the nations south of the USA seem to want to get here. We are now seeing folks who emigrated from southeastern Europe and several Middle Eastern countries first to South or Central American, then take the trek north to get here.
♫♪ You call some place paradise, kiss it good bye....♪♫
People flock here because the USA - to them - sounds like a distant utopia. The problem is that they don't realize something: The word 'utopia' means "a place that doesn't exist" (when you study the word's original use in ancient Greek writings.)
The word 'utopia' means "a place that doesn't exist"
And that is exactly what the crazy progressives are doing to this country. I know there are sane Democrats out there. They need to rise up. Of course if they do, they get cancelled so only the brave are doing it but their numbers are increasing.

"progressive" sounds like such a good word. But it stands for unspeakable evil. Hitler was a "progressive". He took their eugenics ideas to the ultimate.
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