Income and Expense

When it came time to audit our funds transfer operations, newbie auditors in our department were always assigned to reconcile our Due To/Due From account....just for fun.:ROFLMAO:
Hazing the newbees is always amusing:cool: But all CC companies seem to work the same way and no longer have to return the canceled check images as small companies must do. I just wish they would include useful info in their EDI transactions that would allow me to match a transaction to a specific CC account. The check number, if I paid by check would be useful. Otherwise simply "Capital One 1234" which is the name of the CC company and the last four digits of my CC number.

But the downloads have 5 columns
PostDT, Payee, CheckAmt, DepAmt, RunningBal So all the credits are in the CheckAmt column and all the debits are in the DepAmt column. That's useful:( The payee field is random depending on the type of payment. For checks, it just says "Check 1234". Everything else depends on who is getting paid and what they decided to include in the EDI text field.

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