Hi, my name is Dave. I'm very honest & upfront with people. I have a physical disability (Cerebral Palsy) in which I cannot use my arms & hands. I use a computer by wearing a baseball cap which has a stick attached to it & I poke away at the keys (to type). Also, I have a ‘touch screen’ attached to my notebook computer whereby I too can poke anywhere on the screen vs. using a mouse. My physical disability probably is totally irrelevant to most people, but I only mention because currently (& going on 2-years now) I’ve been contently homebound. On average I actually spend 8 to10-hrs a day at my computer. No, I don’t play any games nor am I a “Facebook” type of person.
Unlike probably most anybody here Access to me is purely a hobby which I do solely as an enjoyment, whereas most other people use Access as a business – to make money. My knowledge with Access it hard to described; some would say I have a lot of knowledge with Access, while others (especially myself) feels that I know very little with Access. I’m NOT a, “programmer” nor do I understand SQL, VBA, etc. I’m think of myself more of a “visual learning” vs. reading tech/learning manuals. One of my biggest downfalls with access which is the whole bases/concept of Access is creating relational-ships between Tables in a database. Although, I do understand what the functions of Primary Keys & Foreign Keys do (I think), however despite spending counting hours watching varies tutorial videos & receiving lots of help from others online I just am not able to fully “get” the concept down which I know is beyond crucial if you want to build/have databases that are normalized.
As I said, as a hobby I’ve created & daily maintain many databases (or projects) which I often call are, “mock” databases – they are not “real.” Like for instance, right now I’ve been working on a big project dealing with a wholesalers used car outfit selling used cars to various dealerships. I go online & pick a few used cars dealerships in my area & get the vehicles info from there. I’ve also created & maintain few individual used car dealerships which is more complex with not just tracking the vehicles info, purchased date & price -&- sale date/ & price. With each individual dealership I make up people’s names who are Salesman who gets a certain commission on each vehicle they sell – each “salesman” gets a different percentage dependent upon their years of selling – ALL made up in my head but calculated in the databases. Also in these individual dealer databases I’ve customers (made-up names) who purchases the vehicles & I have queries for those customers who need to finance the vehicles which are the majority. Those customers who finance/pay on “credit” also have to list their employer & their monthly income. Then I have an employer’s table where I go online & I collect ALL sorts of businesses, schools, any types of working place with all of the info, address, phone#, email address, website, contact person, etc. I do have my employers table linked to ALL 3-separate dealerships whereby multiply customers may work for the same company/business, but may buy a vehicle (or vehicles) from different dealerships. I also have my employers tables linked to build up an employer database/table in within itself. Now, I imagine that if anyone has read my post they’re going to think 1 or 2-things. Either I have a great create imagination –OR- I’m a complete nut-case/wacko…?
A lot of my other databases are a little more real, but more are one-to-one databases which involves sports. I’m a big NASCAR fan & since 2000 each season I have a database with ALL of the results & many-many quires, forms, etc. Also in a database I have each NFL season from 2000 with every game/team played & with many queries. I’ve done the same with MLB & NHL for the past 2-seasons.
In closing & I doubt if many people read thus far, for a moment there I may have sounded, “normal” but now I’m may be about to go back into my wake state depending how one views me. While daily spending 8 to 10 hrs working on my “projects” I also heavily/detail maintain a database in which I keep track of every project I ork on everyday & how many hrs I spend working on a given project. Now comes the (maybe) weird part, I FANTASIZE/PRETEND that I’m getting paid & in my Projects database I get paid by the hr for each project. Each “project” pays me different $-amounts in which I have queries & reports that keep track of what I do monthly, quarterly, etc. I need to stop because I can tell a lot-lot more detail, but I’ll repeat something that I sort of said earlier (paraphrasing) “I may seem to know a lot about Access, but I truly know that there is 10x’s more regarding Access that I lack in knowing.”
Any comments are welcome & I hope I’ll be accepted here on this forum.
Unlike probably most anybody here Access to me is purely a hobby which I do solely as an enjoyment, whereas most other people use Access as a business – to make money. My knowledge with Access it hard to described; some would say I have a lot of knowledge with Access, while others (especially myself) feels that I know very little with Access. I’m NOT a, “programmer” nor do I understand SQL, VBA, etc. I’m think of myself more of a “visual learning” vs. reading tech/learning manuals. One of my biggest downfalls with access which is the whole bases/concept of Access is creating relational-ships between Tables in a database. Although, I do understand what the functions of Primary Keys & Foreign Keys do (I think), however despite spending counting hours watching varies tutorial videos & receiving lots of help from others online I just am not able to fully “get” the concept down which I know is beyond crucial if you want to build/have databases that are normalized.
As I said, as a hobby I’ve created & daily maintain many databases (or projects) which I often call are, “mock” databases – they are not “real.” Like for instance, right now I’ve been working on a big project dealing with a wholesalers used car outfit selling used cars to various dealerships. I go online & pick a few used cars dealerships in my area & get the vehicles info from there. I’ve also created & maintain few individual used car dealerships which is more complex with not just tracking the vehicles info, purchased date & price -&- sale date/ & price. With each individual dealership I make up people’s names who are Salesman who gets a certain commission on each vehicle they sell – each “salesman” gets a different percentage dependent upon their years of selling – ALL made up in my head but calculated in the databases. Also in these individual dealer databases I’ve customers (made-up names) who purchases the vehicles & I have queries for those customers who need to finance the vehicles which are the majority. Those customers who finance/pay on “credit” also have to list their employer & their monthly income. Then I have an employer’s table where I go online & I collect ALL sorts of businesses, schools, any types of working place with all of the info, address, phone#, email address, website, contact person, etc. I do have my employers table linked to ALL 3-separate dealerships whereby multiply customers may work for the same company/business, but may buy a vehicle (or vehicles) from different dealerships. I also have my employers tables linked to build up an employer database/table in within itself. Now, I imagine that if anyone has read my post they’re going to think 1 or 2-things. Either I have a great create imagination –OR- I’m a complete nut-case/wacko…?
A lot of my other databases are a little more real, but more are one-to-one databases which involves sports. I’m a big NASCAR fan & since 2000 each season I have a database with ALL of the results & many-many quires, forms, etc. Also in a database I have each NFL season from 2000 with every game/team played & with many queries. I’ve done the same with MLB & NHL for the past 2-seasons.
In closing & I doubt if many people read thus far, for a moment there I may have sounded, “normal” but now I’m may be about to go back into my wake state depending how one views me. While daily spending 8 to 10 hrs working on my “projects” I also heavily/detail maintain a database in which I keep track of every project I ork on everyday & how many hrs I spend working on a given project. Now comes the (maybe) weird part, I FANTASIZE/PRETEND that I’m getting paid & in my Projects database I get paid by the hr for each project. Each “project” pays me different $-amounts in which I have queries & reports that keep track of what I do monthly, quarterly, etc. I need to stop because I can tell a lot-lot more detail, but I’ll repeat something that I sort of said earlier (paraphrasing) “I may seem to know a lot about Access, but I truly know that there is 10x’s more regarding Access that I lack in knowing.”
Any comments are welcome & I hope I’ll be accepted here on this forum.