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Today, 14:57
Mar 22, 2012
Hi, my name is Dave. I'm very honest & upfront with people. I have a physical disability (Cerebral Palsy) in which I cannot use my arms & hands. I use a computer by wearing a baseball cap which has a stick attached to it & I poke away at the keys (to type). Also, I have a ‘touch screen’ attached to my notebook computer whereby I too can poke anywhere on the screen vs. using a mouse. My physical disability probably is totally irrelevant to most people, but I only mention because currently (& going on 2-years now) I’ve been contently homebound. On average I actually spend 8 to10-hrs a day at my computer. No, I don’t play any games nor am I a “Facebook” type of person.

Unlike probably most anybody here Access to me is purely a hobby which I do solely as an enjoyment, whereas most other people use Access as a business – to make money. My knowledge with Access it hard to described; some would say I have a lot of knowledge with Access, while others (especially myself) feels that I know very little with Access. I’m NOT a, “programmer” nor do I understand SQL, VBA, etc. I’m think of myself more of a “visual learning” vs. reading tech/learning manuals. One of my biggest downfalls with access which is the whole bases/concept of Access is creating relational-ships between Tables in a database. Although, I do understand what the functions of Primary Keys & Foreign Keys do (I think), however despite spending counting hours watching varies tutorial videos & receiving lots of help from others online I just am not able to fully “get” the concept down which I know is beyond crucial if you want to build/have databases that are normalized.

As I said, as a hobby I’ve created & daily maintain many databases (or projects) which I often call are, “mock” databases – they are not “real.” Like for instance, right now I’ve been working on a big project dealing with a wholesalers used car outfit selling used cars to various dealerships. I go online & pick a few used cars dealerships in my area & get the vehicles info from there. I’ve also created & maintain few individual used car dealerships which is more complex with not just tracking the vehicles info, purchased date & price -&- sale date/ & price. With each individual dealership I make up people’s names who are Salesman who gets a certain commission on each vehicle they sell – each “salesman” gets a different percentage dependent upon their years of selling – ALL made up in my head but calculated in the databases. Also in these individual dealer databases I’ve customers (made-up names) who purchases the vehicles & I have queries for those customers who need to finance the vehicles which are the majority. Those customers who finance/pay on “credit” also have to list their employer & their monthly income. Then I have an employer’s table where I go online & I collect ALL sorts of businesses, schools, any types of working place with all of the info, address, phone#, email address, website, contact person, etc. I do have my employers table linked to ALL 3-separate dealerships whereby multiply customers may work for the same company/business, but may buy a vehicle (or vehicles) from different dealerships. I also have my employers tables linked to build up an employer database/table in within itself. Now, I imagine that if anyone has read my post they’re going to think 1 or 2-things. Either I have a great create imagination –OR- I’m a complete nut-case/wacko…?
A lot of my other databases are a little more real, but more are one-to-one databases which involves sports. I’m a big NASCAR fan & since 2000 each season I have a database with ALL of the results & many-many quires, forms, etc. Also in a database I have each NFL season from 2000 with every game/team played & with many queries. I’ve done the same with MLB & NHL for the past 2-seasons.
In closing & I doubt if many people read thus far, for a moment there I may have sounded, “normal” but now I’m may be about to go back into my wake state depending how one views me. While daily spending 8 to 10 hrs working on my “projects” I also heavily/detail maintain a database in which I keep track of every project I ork on everyday & how many hrs I spend working on a given project. Now comes the (maybe) weird part, I FANTASIZE/PRETEND that I’m getting paid & in my Projects database I get paid by the hr for each project. Each “project” pays me different $-amounts in which I have queries & reports that keep track of what I do monthly, quarterly, etc. I need to stop because I can tell a lot-lot more detail, but I’ll repeat something that I sort of said earlier (paraphrasing) “I may seem to know a lot about Access, but I truly know that there is 10x’s more regarding Access that I lack in knowing.”
Any comments are welcome & I hope I’ll be accepted here on this forum.
Welcome Dave! Feel free to start threads on anything that you're stuck on, or to get help understanding something. There's a lot to know, and I certainly don't know it all, but between all the people here we can usually figure out most problems.
You will receive a warm welcome from us all, don't you worry. :)

Please help me unstand something if you will. Is this forum connected with Access Are they both one in the same because I remember you from there.
They are not connected at all. This was the first Access forum created.
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As Jon says, they are not connected. Jon, AWF is larger than UA? That would not be my guess.
Paul, you are absolutely right. I didn't realise. I just used to check the Alexa ranking which is supposed to be an indicator of how much traffic a website gets and we are way ahead according to that metric. Not sure why if they are busier. :S

Edit: According to Quantcast who measure website traffic, they also put AWF ahead. Note that lower rank means more traffic. Same with Alexa ranking.

Access World - 12,062 US Rank
UA - 128,732 US Rank

Perhaps its a case that they have more posts but we have more traffic. Or, that they used to be much busier but the situation has changed somewhat.
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Ah, you've got scientific measurements. All I had was a gut feeling. You win! :p
Haha, I wish it were that clear. It might be that the Alexa ranking etc. are taking into consideration spam bots or whatever. They shouldn't be, but who knows... I had a quick look and noticed that there isn't much difference in the number posts for say the queries or forms forums, as an example.

This board did lose about 170,000 posts about 5 or 6 years ago. Sadly a moderator deleted someones entire post history of over 10,000 posts after falling out with them. Also, we got hacked and the hacker deleted 150,000 posts.
I'm just here to get some help and maby to help some.
Have been a danich access programmer since the last 15 year, but still learning

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