Is it Ethical for Newsom to Contribute to the Campaign of Crist to defeat DeSantis?

Suppression exists!

Who's the mastermind and leader of this vast, draconian network of suppression?
The New York Times has been lying to the public now for years. The prior Twitter management censored conservative thought to "steal" an election. The Time's article cited, blatantly ignores the prior Twitter management's censorship. The Times, in the interests of good journalism, should be congratulating the current Twitter management for exposing the corruption of the prior Twitter management team. Alas the Times seems to be just interested in continuing to act as the propaganda arm for the Democratic Party.

The Times. as one example of journalistic abuse, finally acknowledged the existence of the Hunter laptop after the evidence became irrefutable that it was real after the election was won by suppressing the truth. The Times by suppressing the truth before the election, fraudulently tilted the election in favor of Biden.

Who's the mastermind and leader of this vast, draconian network of suppression?
We will never know. You may want to take a look at Hillary Clinton and company. They seem to have started the Russian Collusion Hoax. Hillary and company also cheated to win the Democratic nomination for President in 2016. So there is dirty history here.
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The New York Times has been lying to the public now for years. The prior Twitter management censored conservative thought to "steal" an election. The Time's article cited, blatantly ignores the prior Twitter management's censorship. The Times, in the interests of good journalism, should be congratulating the current Twitter management for exposing the corruption of the prior Twitter management team. Alas the Times seems to be just interested in continuing to act as the propaganda arm for the Democratic Party.

The Times. as one example of journalistic abuse, finally acknowledged the existence of the Hunter laptop after the evidence became irrefutable that it was real after the election was won by suppressing the truth. The Times by suppressing the truth before the election, fraudulently tilted the election in favor of Biden.

We will never know. You may want to take a look at Hillary Clinton and company. They seem to have started the Russian Collusion Hoax. Hillary and company also cheated to win the Democratic nomination for President in 2016. So there is dirty history here.
The operative word being "seem" to have started the Russian hoax. And how exactly did Hillary cheat? Have you read the news? In Fox depositions Rupert admitted they lied about the election in order to save viewership. If you want to read factual, balanced news, read the Christian Science Monitor. It has been regarded as the most neutral, unbiased news organization around. for a long, long time.
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It is ALWAYS possible to find someone with an alternate view of the facts and you are always willing to believe it. And that is why people get paid to write articles like this. Some people will grasp any straw and ignore any actual evidence - emails are pretty damning evidence - to avoid changing their opinion. It has something to do with cognitive dissonance.
October 2020 New York Post article about emails ostensibly recovered from Hunter Biden’s laptop
That verges on libel. "ostensibly" recovered???? Don't you think there would be lawsuits flying around if the emails were not real. The book got published. Do you think the publisher would risk a libel suit brought by the son of the sitting President? Hunter's lawyers have already admitted it was his laptop by trying to regain custody of it. At least one person - Tony Bobolinski has confirmed that the emails are true by producing his copies. Come on man. Once you see a LIE this big in a story, why would you ever believe a single word in it?????
This is sordid. But it’s also mundane. If influence peddling were illegal, K Street would house a sprawling penitentiary.
K Street should be a penitentiary. No one even associated with K Street or the companies they represent should EVER be able to donate to political campaigns.

In fact, in exchange for eliminating ALL political contributions except to political parties, including in kind as well as third party "advertisements", I would go with a $20-30 surcharge on all tax returns to fund campaigns. Distributed proportionately by state population and then shared between Senate, House, and Presidential. The Presidential would be accumulated for 4 years in an actual interest bearing account. The political parties can fund the local and state races, again based on population.

It is bad enough when members of Congress do it and some have gotten caught. But, you're OK with your President being OWNED by foreign governments? You were very willing to believe the LIE that Trump was owned by Russia given no actual evidence. You probably still have nagging doubts, it was repeated so often. But get over it. The Russia Hoax has been debunked so many times it is a wet noodle.

You really can't believe your lyin' eyes:( You are actually supporting influence peddling and violations of free speech???? Because when the FBI or the White House tells Twitter who to stifle and what stories to bury, that is a violation of free speech. And you KNOW they don't limit themselves to Twitter. If they're doing it with Twitter, they're doing it with every other outlet. There is no way at the moment to see the traffic with the other platforms but if indictments start flying, emails from the person on the other side of the exchange will be subpoenaed and we'll see what instructions they were giving to the other platforms that way.

I always wonder if there is a memo that goes out every morning that lists the talking points and word of the day. Maybe it's a Zoom call:) Maybe it's the AP feed. And sadly, most talking heads are not known for their intelligence, just their looks, voice, and in some cases, their ability to read a teleprompter. You can tell this because the talking point and word of the day don't vary much from head to head. Did the word/phrase just spontaneously appear in their mind?? I doubt it:)
It is ALWAYS possible to find someone with an alternate view of the facts and you are always willing to believe it. And that is why people get paid to write articles like this. Some people will grasp any straw and ignore any actual evidence - emails are pretty damning evidence - to avoid changing their opinion. It has something to do with cognitive dissonance.

That verges on libel. "ostensibly" recovered???? Don't you think there would be lawsuits flying around if the emails were not real. The book got published. Do you think the publisher would risk a libel suit brought by the son of the sitting President? Hunter's lawyers have already admitted it was his laptop by trying to regain custody of it. At least one person - Tony Bobolinski has confirmed that the emails are true by producing his copies. Come on man. Once you see a LIE this big in a story, why would you ever believe a single word in it?????

K Street should be a penitentiary. No one even associated with K Street or the companies they represent should EVER be able to donate to political campaigns.

In fact, in exchange for eliminating ALL political contributions except to political parties, including in kind as well as third party "advertisements", I would go with a $20-30 surcharge on all tax returns to fund campaigns. Distributed proportionately by state population and then shared between Senate, House, and Presidential. The Presidential would be accumulated for 4 years in an actual interest bearing account. The political parties can fund the local and state races, again based on population.

It is bad enough when members of Congress do it and some have gotten caught. But, you're OK with your President being OWNED by foreign governments? You were very willing to believe the LIE that Trump was owned by Russia given no actual evidence. You probably still have nagging doubts, it was repeated so often. But get over it. The Russia Hoax has been debunked so many times it is a wet noodle.

You really can't believe your lyin' eyes:( You are actually supporting influence peddling and violations of free speech???? Because when the FBI or the White House tells Twitter who to stifle and what stories to bury, that is a violation of free speech. And you KNOW they don't limit themselves to Twitter. If they're doing it with Twitter, they're doing it with every other outlet. There is no way at the moment to see the traffic with the other platforms but if indictments start flying, emails from the person on the other side of the exchange will be subpoenaed and we'll see what instructions they were giving to the other platforms that way.

I always wonder if there is a memo that goes out every morning that lists the talking points and word of the day. Maybe it's a Zoom call:) Maybe it's the AP feed. And sadly, most talking heads are not known for their intelligence, just their looks, voice, and in some cases, their ability to read a teleprompter. You can tell this because the talking point and word of the day don't vary much from head to head. Did the word/phrase just spontaneously appear in their mind?? I doubt it:)
liked your idea about campaign financing. DC folk spend most of their time asking for money, not debating and governing. Besides, having too much money laying around is corrupting, across the board.
Policies like that can only be implemented by an amendment to the Constitution. There are at least two groups working to make some of that happen. Look for Convention of States. They are concentrating on term limits but have other ideas. And there is another group only pushing term limits. Many states already have term limits for state legislatures. The Presidency has term limits. It is time to make term limits happen for the Senate, the House, the Supreme Court and certain Civil Service categories. The Supremes were intended to be above politics but they have proven themselves to vote with party lines way too often. They are forgetting the Constitution and Congress is so corrupt, they don't attempt to call the Supremes out when they write law which is the SOLE purview of Congress. The checks and balances part of the Constitution is broken.

There are two paths to amendments laid out in Article 5 of the Constitution. So far, we've only ever used the Congress path. But Congress is NEVER, EVER going to propose any amendment that limits its own power so that has to come from the states. It is a long slow slug but there are small gains every year. The "anti" group pushes a false narrative about a "runaway convention". That isn't the way it works at all. It always amazes me that the left thinks this is a "right" issue. It is most certainly not. All citizens should be worried about the uni-party that pushes for big government. We have to clip their wings somehow and I don't see any other way. Term limits and campaign funding reform are a huge step toward limiting the corruption we see every day. Both parties are guilty. And Congress encourages the members to cover for each other. They even have a slush fund they use to finance legal defense when members are accused of certain crimes.
We agree again! I have been for term limits in congress for a long as I can remember. FDR was reason for term limits on presidency. If you live in DC, and just visit your continuants. you begin to lose sight of what's happening in the real world..
FDR wasn't even a bad president as far as Democrats go:)

The people who wrote our Constitution never anticipated a professional political class. If they had, they would have included term limits from the beginning. Too bad they didn't think of this. They also didn't anticipate lobbying and how something like K Street would end up with total control over Congress. Lobbyists even write most of our bills which should be illegal since that is the job of the Congress member who proposes it.
They also didn't anticipate lobbying and how something like K Street would end up with total control over Congress.
Recall Eisenhower's Farewell Address. He saw it coming.

Lobbyists even write most of our bills which should be illegal since that is the job of the Congress member who proposes it.
I was casually listening to two talk show hosts speaking, so I wasn't really paying attention.
They raised a very interesting concern. How is it that legislation (based on thousands of pages) is so rapidly assembled? :unsure:
They speculated that the lobbyists already had "skeleton" legislation prepared in advance and were just waiting for an opportunity (crises) to present itself so that it could be submitted to Congress. Pure conjecture, but something to think about.
Recall Eisenhower's Farewell Address. He saw it coming.

I was casually listening to two talk show hosts speaking, so I wasn't really paying attention.
They raised a very interesting concern. How is it that legislation (based on thousands of pages) is so rapidly assembled? :unsure:
They speculated that the lobbyists already had "skeleton" legislation prepared in advance and were just waiting for an opportunity (crises) to present itself so that it could be submitted to Congress. Pure conjecture, but something to think about.
Who elected those guys?
Recall Eisenhower's Farewell Address. He saw it coming.

I was casually listening to two talk show hosts speaking, so I wasn't really paying attention.
They raised a very interesting concern. How is it that legislation (based on thousands of pages) is so rapidly assembled? :unsure:
They speculated that the lobbyists already had "skeleton" legislation prepared in advance and were just waiting for an opportunity (crises) to present itself so that it could be submitted to Congress. Pure conjecture, but something to think about.
Every politician should have to listen to that every morning as they wake up.
FDR wasn't even a bad president as far as Democrats go:)

The people who wrote our Constitution never anticipated a professional political class. If they had, they would have included term limits from the beginning. Too bad they didn't think of this. They also didn't anticipate lobbying and how something like K Street would end up with total control over Congress. Lobbyists even write most of our bills which should be illegal since that is the job of the Congress member who proposes it.
GIven the circumstances, I think he did a pretty good job, but a number of his actions were later overturned by SCOTUS, but while they were in effect, a lot of them helped the situation. (Loved the term "professional political class".)
The operative word being "seem" to have started the Russian hoax. And how exactly did Hillary cheat? Have you read the news? In Fox depositions Rupert admitted they lied about the election in order to save viewership. If you want to read factual, balanced news, read the Christian Science Monitor. It has been regarded as the most neutral, unbiased news organization around. for a long, long time.

Oh yes, because that tiny fact that a news organization promoted segments to cover the biggest news of the day rather than suppress it in support of what its leaders personally believed the truth was, which is a normal day in all news organizations, is so much bigger than 1000's of pages of documents from Twitter, actually documenting how an organization which is one of the most influential communications tools in the world actively suppressed just about every anti-Democratic-platform bit of truth it could find and even had organized teams and software dedicated to the pure efficiency of the process of doing so. Umm-hmm. ;)
Oh yes, because that tiny fact that a news organization promoted segments to cover the biggest news of the day rather than suppress it in support of what its leaders personally believed the truth was, which is a normal day in all news organizations, is so much bigger than 1000's of pages of documents from Twitter, actually documenting how an organization which is one of the most influential communications tools in the world actively suppressed just about every anti-Democratic-platform bit of truth it could find and even had organized teams and software dedicated to the pure efficiency of the process of doing so. Umm-hmm. ;)
You have proof that Twitter did all that?
Well this is funny. I take it you never heard of the twitter files, which is probably because you only read liberal media.

Catch up ...
Musk and his allies promote these tweet threads — dubbed the "Twitter Files" — as bombshell revelations proving that Twitter intentionally muzzled conservatives because of their political views. That's a long-running claim by Republicans who are convinced social media companies censor them, despite ample evidence to the contrary. Twitter's internal researchers, for example, have found its algorithms favor right-leaning political content.
Personally I think must is just trying to stir the pot and is trying to drive engagement at twitter as people are leaving in droves.

He's only given access to two people who must tweet their stories before releasing them anywhere else.
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It's also funny to me to watch this thing unfold with Fox News and the election claims.

After years of CNN, MSNBC, and many others promoting stories almost on a weekly or monthly basis that contained many deceptive narratives, in order to feed the addiction of their audience, who loves hearing any story that demonizes whites or police, to the point of defamation lawsuits stacking up ..... Now they all suddenly have selective memory and pretend Fox is the first to do so. :p

Liberals live in a fantasy land that exists only in their minds - except for when they push it on school children, hoping to make it come true, which must be stopped at all costs, as I don't want my grandchildren to be endlessly confused and mentally molested...

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