Just received an email from George. He's Ok! (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 18:47
May 9, 2005
Hey all,

I just received an email from George and thought I would pass it on since folks hear were chatting about him and hoping he was alright. I only copied the part that did not have phone numbers and addressed included so it's a little edited.

George's email:

The problem with fuel in Houston is not price but availability. Since there is essentially no electricity in our area, stores and gas stations aren't open. The gas stations that are open have incredibly long lines and the people in those lines have short fuses. The stores...no milk, no bread, no ice (ice is a big commodity since nobody's electric works), no batteries, incredibly long lines just to go in and buy nothing of real value. Seems most of the cell towers in the area got hit and they just got the Sprint tower back up last night, however, the Sprint service doesn't work at all in our area so it was a step backwards for us. The radio coverage is...well, the nicest thing I can say about it is that it is lacking (you normally find out where the ice "was" about 30 minutes before it is gone or the curfew comes into effect). Seems FEMA doesn't understand how large Texas is or how many people are really in the Houston area and how far it
stretches with all the unincorporated areas. All in all, I would give FEMA and the radio stations an "F" for the way they've handled disaster relief in the 4th largest city in the US.

Also, our church is kind of out of commission (because there is no power). We held very sparsely attended services Sunday morning without electricity. However, we've loaned the facilities to a Catholic church for Tuesday night Bible Study (while their facility is under remodeling construction) and they won't be able to see or have A/C for their events (so I guess they need prayer, too).

One personal issue I'd like your prayers for is our financial situation. Since I don't get paid for not working, this is a big issue. Also, I've been unable to get my check for the short hours I worked last week.

I just wanted to let you all know that we are not in any danger (nor do I feel like God ever allowed us to be in danger). However, many of our friends from church are an unknown quantity at the moment. I've heard of people losing their homes to trees and everybody is stressed at best. Please continue to pray for us and for our friends in the area (as well as the entire population).

All in all, we're doing fine. We needed this rest from the madness which is why we left Houston. We're going back Saturday whether things have improved or not because of my ministry commitments. But we may come right back here on Monday.

George Wilkinson


split with a cherry atop.
Local time
Yesterday, 18:47
Sep 1, 2005
Thanks so much for sharing! I was starting to worry about George's extended absence. Glad to know that everything is OK as it can be.


Super Moderator
Local time
Today, 02:47
Jul 10, 2007
Thanks for letting us know. Let's hope George is back posting on this forum as soon as possible.:)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 02:47
Aug 26, 2008
Hey all,

I just received an email from George and thought I would pass it on since folks hear were chatting about him and hoping he was alright. I only copied the part that did not have phone numbers and addressed included so it's a little edited.

Aw, go on post the numbers so we can make a reverse charge call:D


Active member
Local time
Yesterday, 21:47
Aug 22, 2004
Aw, go on post the numbers so we can make a reverse charge call:D

At the moment, people in Houston no longer say hello when answering the phone. Instead they say:

I'm sorry, there is no service to the number you have dialed.

At least the telemarketers aren't bothering anyone. :D


Local time
Today, 02:47
Jun 2, 2003
Thanks Shane.
FYI George posted 6:30 BST today on the I Like IKE thread.



Legend in my own mind
Local time
Yesterday, 18:47
Oct 31, 2006
Here we are still keeping everyone in our prayers and thoughts. Hopefully all your family and friends are all well and no one is physically hurt.
Thanks for relaying the update Shane.

Unless someone has been through a huge disaster it is very difficult to relate to the hardships of everything you thought was normal to be gone. Most day to day things are trivial when safe shelter healthy food and fresh drinking water are in short supply. It is very difficult on someones heart thoughts and spirit when everything else is completely beyone their control.

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