Ladies - Need your help please? Guys dont laugh at me! lol

suede lingerie? quickly approaches the "leather" category - but if she is into textural things, suede - with the short fuzz turned IN - could be a real turn-on. I believe that would be a variant on what the French called effleurage though originally the term mean "with feathers."
The_Doc_Man said:
..with the short fuzz turned IN - could be a real turn-on. I believe that would be a variant on what the French called effleurage though originally the term mean "with feathers."
Doc, there are times when the depths of your knowledge amazes me.

...or perhaps you Cajuns are just kinkier than I thought:D
The_Doc_Man said:
suede lingerie? quickly approaches the "leather" category - but if she is into textural things, suede - with the short fuzz turned IN - could be a real turn-on. I believe that would be a variant on what the French called effleurage though originally the term mean "with feathers."

I cant find anything online, only 'club wear' and she wont like that, I would have loved to have found a 2 piece set in pink.

When I was in college, I worked as a musician down in the French Quarter. On Bourbon Street a block off of Canal Street. During that time I saw just about everything you could imagine and quite a few things I had not myself imagined. Let's just say that back in the late 1960's, the N'Awlins French Quarter had everything - for a price. These days, the prudes have chased everything out into the suburbs. Now if you go to Bourbon Street, you see too many souvenir and T-shirt shops of not particularly high quality. Run-of-the-mill sort of stuff.

Once a year, the French Quarter becomes something like the old days for one weekend. The "Southern Decadence" festival comes to town all primped up and pretty (sort of ...). It is one of the more famous gay festivals in the USA. If you go to the "quarters" on that day, you might actually see some suede.


You might also consider velour, which is considered by some folks to be a luxurious cloth. Particularly as a liner. That would be easier to find than suede and you can get ANY color you want with velour if you look for it.
RichardP1978 said:
Ladies, I need some advice, and I hope that this does not breach any rules here.

I got married earlier in the year, and as its traditional, within my family, for the husband to buy his wife some nice lingerie for Christmas, I would like to follow that tradition on.
Does your wife know about your families tradition? Better yet, does she buy into the idea?

I think the finest lingerie is best picked out together. Gift card time! Wrap the gift card up in a nice box with a silky scarf or the like. :)

There is some merit to the idea of a "gift envelope" with a certificate entitling your sweetie to one shopping trip where you will come along as the ammunition bearer while she does the bargain hunting.

What with modern computers and nice printers, it should be relatively easy to print up a nicely bordered certificate with pretty print on it.

Of course, the catch is that if you give her the certificate, you have to hold up your end of the bargain.
I would be interested to hear how this turned out. ;) :D
KenHigg said:

Ha. Don't need to know the details, just would like to know whether it was yea or nay on the gift. ;)
I think it turned out fine. She seemed genuinely suprised when she opened her gifts. And she has worn them without being prompted to, so hopefully that is good. The most important thing, is that at least I got the correct sizes!!! I really would have been in dog house if I had screwed that up.
RichardP1978 said:
I think it turned out fine. She seemed genuinely suprised when she opened her gifts. And she has worn them without being prompted to, so hopefully that is good. The most important thing, is that at least I got the correct sizes!!! I really would have been in dog house if I had screwed that up.

I'm glad everything worked out well and you're not in the doghouse. :p
LOL Had a few minutes at the end of the day and saw this thread. First, glad it worked out!

I have to say that I bought the sexy as well as the practical (gets cold here in Western New York) - but I rarely see her wear ANYTHING that I bought her. I even went so far last year as to have my teenage kids help pick out some comfy, flannel ones.

This year, I got her a plane ticket to visit her friend in another state for her birthday and a remote car starter for Christmas - both things that she has wanted. While she enjoyed both, didn't get that WOW factor for which I was going.
My wife and I have reached the stage where we buy each other things we KNOW will be used. Like garage door openers and can openers and DVDs of each other's favorite movies. (I get her "chick flicks" - she gets me "action flicks".) The best gift I ever got her, though, was a gift program with a major USA computer retailer that had an educational department. I bought her a six month membership to take as many computer courses as she wanted because she was preparing herself for a career in office work. Needed to update her skills. I thought it was a good idea so I bought the program.

I did the math and told her that if she had bought courses a la carte we would break even at five courses when comparing individual sessions to the cost of the program. So if she took a sixth course, we started to come out cheaper. I figured, maybe six to ten courses, right? In six months, she took 37 courses not counting the retakes where she was unsure of the material first time through. Brought it down to something over $27 per course.

The punch line? She started teaching for that company part time and in one year made back three or four times the cost of the program. I let her keep the entire salary as "mad money" and just paid the house bills from the account I had set up to run the house. When she wants to splurge, it's her money and she has no qualms about spending it. She's frugal with the house money but still has money to call her own and I never ask for an accounting (except of course at tax time.)

Best investment I ever made in terms of immediate return value and also it gave her incredible self-confidence that her first husband had almost snuffed out of her. The demeaning bastard. He never knew what he had. He let go. He's on his third wife and STILL isn't happy - but now he can't afford to leave #3 and try to find #4. One more divorce settlement and he'll owe BODY PARTS, not just cash.

Me? I KNOW I got my sweetie something she liked. And like the old saying goes, "When Mama's happy, everyone is happy. When Mama's not happy, NO ONE is happy." Well, I'm happy.
The_Doc_Man said:
And like the old saying goes, "When Mama's happy, everyone is happy. When Mama's not happy, NO ONE is happy."

Got a little motto
Always sees me through
When you're good to Mama
Mama's good to you.

There's a lot of favors
I'm prepared to do
You do one for Mama
She'll do one for you.

They say that life is tit for tat
And that's the way I live
So, I deserve a lot of tat
For what I've got to give
Don't you know that this hand
Washes that one too
When you're good to Mama
Mama's good to you!

If you want my gravy
Pepper my ragout
Spice it up for Mama
She'll get hot for you

When they pass that basket
Folk contribute to
You put in for Mama
She'll put out for you

The folks atop the ladder
Are the ones the world adores
So boost me up my ladder, Kid
And I'll boost you up yours

Let's all stroke together
Like the Princeton crew
When you're strokin' Mama
Mama's strokin' you

So what's the one conclusion
I can bring this number to?
When you're good to Mama
Mama's good to you!

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