link a subform to other records


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 10:15
Dec 3, 2013
I am creating a database for work. I have a form that has a record of information for a single contact. On that form I have a sub form that will have a series of notes that should be attached to the record that loads.

At the bottom of that form are three buttons. They move from one record to another. I want the notes subform to change when I move to another record.

How do I link the subform to the record loaded on the form.

Attached is the access database.
In Form Design View you need to right-click on the Subform, click on Properties, go to the Data Tab and set the Link Master Fields/Link Child Fields Properties to the ContactID Fields.

Linq ;0)>
IT says "You must add field ContactID to your record source if you want to use this link."

What does that mean? Do I need to do it? If so how?
It means that the ContactID Field has to be on both the Main Form and the Subform. You can set the Field's Visible Property to No, if you don't want the user to see it, but it has to be on both Main Form and the Subform.

Linq ;0)>
Im a big time beginner. Where do I set that on both form and subform.
I actually got it now. It was because of your instructions so thank you. I just needed to get in there and mess around a bit.

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