Link from one form in an access file to another form in another acsess file


Local time
Today, 03:23
Jan 18, 2022
Hello Dear Access Friends.

What is the best way to link a form from an access file to another form in a different access file on the same database?
Hi. That's an unusual request. You normally link to tables, not forms. Can you explain exactly what it is you're trying to accomplish?
Hi. sure.
There is an access file with a form that presents the working days of each employee. there is another access file which presents the projects of each employee. I want to define a button on the project form that links(goes to) the working days form on another access file. both on the same database.
Hi. sure.
There is an access file with a form that presents the working days of each employee. there is another access file which presents the projects of each employee. I want to define a button on the project form that links(goes to) the working days form on another access file. both on the same database.
Hi. Thanks for the additional information. As I was saying though, firms usually just displays the information from tables. So, you really want to link to the source table rather than the form. Maybe you could give that some thought.
Could you please guide me through the best way to link a form to another form on the same access file?
Could you please guide me through the best way to link a form to another form on the same access file?
What exactly do you expect to happen? You don't really "link" forms. Rather, you "refer" to open form controls by using the following syntax:

Forms don't store data. Tables store data. If the data you need is in a different database, then as theDBguy suggested, link the TABLE you need from the other database. As long as you have a common field, you can use a query to join a table in one database to a linked table from a different database.

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