List of users

If they could give you that report in a format that you could import like Excel or CVS in wouldn't have to be manual. You could make a table with the hostnames and usernames and use it to look up the username with a simple DLookup.

What format is the report in? Maybe we can unravel it.
If they could give you that report in a format that you could import like Excel or CVS in wouldn't have to be manual. You could make a table with the hostnames and usernames and use it to look up the username with a simple DLookup.

What format is the report in? Maybe we can unravel it.

ah, I didnt think about that.

The report is in Excel
Do you need help in doing what I suggested? Be glad to help.
Do you need help in doing what I suggested? Be glad to help.

Actually, I appreciate your help but I think I am OK for now.

I want to see for a couple of months how many times I actually have to look up users' details. All i have to do for now is, take the host name and Ctrl + F to search. But if i find out that this is worth pursuing the way you suggested then I will visit this thread and ask for help.

Thank you very much
I have a hidden form that opens via the autoexec macro and grabs the computer name. If it is the first time that computer has accessed the (mysql backend) database, it asks what name should be associated with it. One of the tables in the backend is "users" which keeps user names, computer names, and a logged in yes or no field, among others. I show the list of current users in the footer of the mainmenu. When the user exits the program and the hidden form gets closed, it unchecks the yes or no field and the list in the footer is updated. Also, with the ontimer event, I measure the time they have been logged in and ask, at the one hour point, if they are still using the program and if they don't click the "Continue" button, I warn that the program will close itself in five minutes.

This all works great, except I have a couple of users who often fail to get logged out. I have experimented on my secondary computer by opening the program and "X"ing out rather that use the big Quit button and it still works properly. I suppose if someone just pulls the power to their computer it might fail to let the code know that they were leaving, but that isn't the case here. If they just minimized it and left it running, it would close itself in 55 minutes. Any ideas how they might fail to "leave"?
What are these not getting-logged-out users saying about how they quit Access? Maybe you should try waterboarding to get them to talk :D
You might be right, sneuberg! However, these are volunteers and I don't wish to tick them off! Whether or not they log off isn't central to the running of the program. My curiousity is the problem, and I might need to understand the what is happening here in the future.
Ok ask them nicely. Seems the easiest way to figure out what's going on.

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