lost network connection ?

bone head

Registered User.
Local time
Today, 22:26
Feb 11, 2002

I have a database on a main frame system and a copy which I work on also on the mainframe system running windows NT.

I usually make changes to database then import forms etc into the live database when completed.

Problem I am currently having is that the copy database has gone belly up on me. Spent a number of days making changes, now however I keep getting messages like “ error accessing file- Network connection may have been lost.

I can not copy forms etc across tried all ways I know but same or similar messages.

Have tried also compact and repair.

Is there anyway of retrieving the changes I have made or am I up the creek without a paddle.

Cheers in advance

I suggest moving the copy to your hard drive. Make another copy and use the Microsoft Jet Compact Utility on it.

Click on the link below for the version of Access you are using. For more details, search the Microsoft Knowledgebase for Jet Compact. I have had a lot of success using Jet Compact to repair a db when I thought it was corrupted and Access could not repair itself.

Access 97: Updated Version of Microsoft Jet 3.5 Available for Download

Access 2000: Jet Compact Utility Available in Download Center

Access 2002: Jet Compact Utility Available in Download Center

A side note...you can not modify the design of an Access 2000/2002 db while somebody else is in it.

:( Nope affraid I still have the same problem after using the Jet Compactor.

Any further suggestions please

BTW I know about not being able to change while people are using the Db, this is why i work on the copy and then transfer it accross, have also set it up so we can kick everyone out when we need to do maintenance on it.
Have you tried decompiling the corrupted db?

From the Start button, use this in the Run... command

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\msaccess.exe" /decompile "X:\YourDatabase.mdb"

After you decompile your db, you need to compile it. Open a module, click the Debug option on the menu bar and select the Compile and Save All Modules option.

Your last step is to Compact your db and you should also notice a decrease in size the first time you decompile your db.

Make a backup of the db before you attempt this!


this seems to have helped managed to transfer all but two forms across to a new database.

I have a feeling that these forms are the problem if so it is probably a problem i inadvertantly created myself.

I have 3 forms which are identical in every detail but used by different people, how i created them was by creating one and Copying it using the different form name for the other form.

As the two forms not loading are 2 of these 3 I suspect this is the problem. If so how is the best way to create identical forms, any suggestions please.

I will be away now untill next tuesday, thanks for help todate.

ghudson said:
Have you tried decompiling the corrupted db?

From the Start button, use this in the Run... command

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\msaccess.exe" /decompile "X:\YourDatabase.mdb"

After you decompile your db, you need to compile it. Open a module, click the Debug option on the menu bar and select the Compile and Save All Modules option.

Your last step is to Compact your db and you should also notice a decrease in size the first time you decompile your db.

Make a backup of the db before you attempt this!

WOW - This just saved me big time!!! I had a database that went bad (gave me a network error even though it was on the hard drive - repair and compact had also failed). I decompiled and recompiled and preliminary testing indicates things are OK. I'm going to give the .mdb a more thorough shakedown but this tip saved me HUGE amounts of rework. THANKS!

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