I'm sure there's nothing wrong with the dependency checker that
@ebs17 linked to. It sounds like it would be helpful. Personally, I hate addins so I won't use a tool like this as an add in. I far prefer to have it operate as a standalone database as the documenters do.
Since you are in a corporate environment, you should be able to get your boss to pay for a tool that will save you time and therefore, save him money. Take a look at the TotalAccessAnalyzer tool you can find at FMSINC.com And also look at Collin's paid tool. Try Colin's sample. FMS doesn't offer a sample version but they will send you a file that has all the various reports in it so you can see what is available. Maybe you need both of the tools, although, Collin might be able to tell you about differences between hes tool and TAA. If each tool saves you a day's worth of work, it has more than paid for itself. Take a look at Crystal's tool also. I don't know whether there is a paid version available. Each tool presents the data in a slightly different way and one may make more sense to you than the other.