Mass killings in USA. (2 Viewers)


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 21:24
Feb 22, 2002
The BBC news reported today on another mass shooting in Alabama. Four killed and several wounded. The report stated that there had been over 400 mass shootings in the USA this year.
I wondered what the criteria is that constitutes a mass shooting, as opposed to the common daily killing of one or two people.
Pardon my cynical response, but probably it becomes a "mass killing" when the event conforms to the liberal media's idea of how to further their "need for gun control" agenda. It does NOT become a "mass killing" - or a widely used headline - if the incident includes a legally armed citizen who stopped the shooter. It is the presence of the latter - a legally armed citizen - that immediately acts as a shut-off valve for the media frenzy.
Pardon my cynical response, but probably it becomes a "mass killing" when the event conforms to the liberal media's idea of how to further their "need for gun control" agenda. It does NOT become a "mass killing" - or a widely used headline - if the incident includes a legally armed citizen who stopped the shooter. It is the presence of the latter - a legally armed citizen - that immediately acts as a shut-off valve for the media frenzy.
I'm afraid I don't know anything about the contents of your reply.
On the UK news they just refer to a mass killing or mass shooting, how many killed or injured etc. I did read somewhere that if 4 or more people are murdered then it is a mass killing. Less than 4 killed is just routine and doesn't warrant airtime.
I just wondered if that was true in the USA.
I'm afraid I don't know anything about the contents of your reply

Col, you have participated in politically oriented discussions on this forum before and know FULL WELL that the USA is in the midst of an ideological turmoil that includes guns. I'm afraid that YOUR response was an example of goading. STOP IT. You know exactly what I said. The use of "mass killing" has become politicized depending on how the killing ended. Your news media are no better than USA news media in selectively emphasizing "news" based on how it fits in with their socialist agenda.
Delete the thread then if you don't like it. I couldn't care what you do.

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