Math trick


Registered User
Local time
Yesterday, 23:55
Jun 9, 2004
How in the world did anyone come up with this?

Here is a math trick so unbelievable that it will stump you.

Personally I would like to know who came up with this and why that person is not running the country.

1. Grab a calculator. (you won't be able to do this one in your head)
2. Key in the first three digits of your phone number (NOT the area code)
3. Multiply by 80
4. Add 1
5. Multiply by 250
6. Add the last 4 digits of your phone number
7. Add the last 4 digits of your phone number again.
8. Subtract 250
9. Divide number by 2

Do you recognize the answer
Hey kenny, is this a math pervs way of getting a girls phone number. :D
selenau837 said:
Hey kenny, is this a math pervs way of getting a girls phone number. :D

Hum... I think I may have under-estimated you... Did you just think that one up or have you heard it before?
KenHigg said:
Hum... I think I may have under-estimated you... Did you just think that one up or have you heard it before?

Well, I know it is hard to believe, but I am kinda smart. :rolleyes: Just a teeny tiny bit. Nothing compared to the rest of you gentlemen here in the forum. :p

No I hadn't seen that one before. I have seen something simiular with birthdates. :p

PS. I am getting inducted into the National Technical Honor Society and Phi Theta Kappa for my smarts. So nanner nanner boo boo. :p :p
selenau837 said:
Nothing compared to the rest of you gentlemen here in the forum. :p

(....hum.... she's setting me up...I need to stay on guard when she's around...)
KenHigg said:
(....hum.... she's setting me up...I need to stay on guard when she's around...)

:rolleyes: What no congrats or anything. Sheesh!!! :rolleyes: :p
selenau837 said:
PS. I am getting inducted into the National Technical Honor Society and Phi Theta Kappa for my smarts. So nanner nanner boo boo. :p :p
Way to go! Congrats!

I'm in Phi Kapp Phi for my smarts and Phi Alpha Gamma for, well, if you're smart you can figure it out. ;) :D
Kraj said:
Way to go! Congrats!

I'm in Phi Kapp Phi for my smarts and Phi Alpha Gamma for, well, if you're smart you can figure it out. ;) :D

I think I got it. ;)

I actually didn't want to joing Phi Theta Kappa, but my prof talked me into it. I have also seen those type of groups as paid for friends. But PTK is an honor society. So it isn't for partying etc. So I joined. I just have to keep my GPA up. 3.5 or higher. See and they say single moms, working full time can't keep their grades up. :D (yup 'nother shameless plug for my acheivements.)
selenau837 said:
:rolleyes: What no congrats or anything. Sheesh!!! :rolleyes: :p

Well I was a bit intimidated until you nanner nanner boo boo'd me... Then I was just confused...:p
selenau837 said:
I think I got it. ;)

I actually didn't want to joing Phi Theta Kappa, but my prof talked me into it. I have also seen those type of groups as paid for friends. But PTK is an honor society. So it isn't for partying etc. So I joined. I just have to keep my GPA up. 3.5 or higher. See and they say single moms, working full time can't keep their grades up. :D (yup 'nother shameless plug for my acheivements.)
please talk in English :( ;)
KenHigg said:
Well I was a bit intimidated until you nanner nanner boo boo'd me... Then I was just confused...:p

Ok, I should have left off the nanner nanner boo boo. My fault. Not the actions of a scholar I know, but I couldn't resist. I still have my playful side.

You know I may have to stop telling people that, that could be I can't get any dates. LOL. Intimidated. Why is it men are intimidated by intilligent women. Or I should say turned off. :(

It's been over 10 yrs since I've been in the singles arena. I have much to learn. *sigh*
Rich said:
please talk in English :( ;)

Bloody hades Rich. I thought it was. I guess I did throw some southern in there. :p
selenau837 said:
Bloody hades Rich. I thought it was. I guess I did throw some southern in there. :p
It means nothing to me, what is it that you've gained, a black belt in karate, or something? :eek:
I see you fixed the 'Why is men...' before I could make a funny about it huh...?
Rich said:
It means nothing to me, what is it that you've gained, a black belt in karate, or something? :eek:

I am currently in college on top of being a single mom who works full time. My grades are high enough that I was accepted into two differnt honor societies at the college I attend.

That is what I gained. :)
KenHigg said:
I see you fixed the 'Why is men...' before I could make a funny about it huh...?

Yes my grammar is hidious. I realize that. But with Greg's help, I am on the right road.

Believe it or not, the grammar trolls here keep me on my toes as to not get trampled on for mistakes. :p
selenau837 said:
I am currently in college on top of being a single mom who works full time. My grades are high enough that I was accepted into two differnt honor societies at the college I attend.

That is what I gained. :)
Well done, you show 'em girl ;)
selenau837 said:
Believe it or not, the grammar trolls here keep me on my toes as to not get trampled on for mistakes. :p
Ignore them, they've nothing better to do :rolleyes: :D
Rich said:
Ignore them, they've nothing better to do :rolleyes: :D

Ummm, Rich. You're one that I am afraid of pointing out my mistakes.

Before you get puffed up, that is not an insult. That is actually a compliment that I am willing to take the time and make sure my grammar is accurate, so not to offend those who do have proper grammar.

Is that a run on sentence??? :confused:

Believe it or not, I am actually afraid half the time to post here. There is one person on here that has helped get my confidence up. I owe them alot. *softly smiles*. They can bring themself out or not, it is up to them. But they have been a god sent when it comes to my confidence and writting abilities. One day I'll take them to dinner. :D

Now my secret is out so go easy on me. :( I rarely expose myself in such ways, but I feel like I know you all well enough to share that part of me.

Off to get the kids.

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