Microsoft Jet Database Design cannot open the file (1 Viewer)


New member
Local time
Yesterday, 19:41
Nov 12, 2010
I am getting this error message when I try to link my Access 00 front end to the Access 00 backend across a network share, "Microsoft Jet Database Design cannot open the file "\\Access_mdb". It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data".

This frontend was and has been working for a couple of months but now this is what I get and it won't let me relink.

Here are some facts about the problem and what I've done:
  1. The backend is not open when i attempt to re-link tables across the network share. I am not using a Mapped network Drive for the link!
  2. There is no record locking file present in the folder with the backend to stop me from accessing it
  3. Sharing is set to shared under database options
  4. The folder permissions where the backend resides is set to full sharing for EVERYONE
  5. When I move the frontend and backend to another folder I can link tables from the second workstation from that frontend
  6. Full sharing is setup on the "main machine" from the C: and the Folder containing the frontend/backend
  7. I have tried this also by disabling the Windows XP Firewall to no avail

I have spend two days searching everything access and xp permissions related and I have reached my limitations on this. I would appreciate any and all comments to help me try and resolve this matter. Thanks in advance for any and all suggestions.


New member
Local time
Yesterday, 19:41
Nov 12, 2010
Thanks for your suggestions. I did a decompile, and I looked at everything on that link and I am still getting the same error. Thanks for your time and suggestion!

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