Migrating tables to SQL server


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Today, 22:07
Jul 25, 2011
I am starting to play around with migrating my tables to an SQL sever and have 3questions.
1. Can anyone point me to good information on the migration I can read or watch.
2. Does the FE use MS access to add/delete/edit the tables on the server or SQL. That is, if I have a form do I have to write SQL to add/delete/edit the tables on the server.
3. Is migrating to an sql server stable?
Thanks for any information.
Access can establish links to SQLServer tables. Form can use linked table as RecordSource. No need for SQL to enter/edit records but can do that if you want.

Stability and performance can be dependent on network. I have SQLServerExpress on my laptop and no issues.
Access can establish links to SQLServer tables. Form can use linked table as RecordSource. No need for SQL to enter/edit records but can do that if you want.

Stability and performance can be dependent on network. I have SQLServerExpress on my laptop and no issues.
I am starting to play around with migrating my tables to an SQL sever and have 3questions.
1. Can anyone point me to good information on the migration I can read or watch.
2. Does the FE use MS access to add/delete/edit the tables on the server or SQL. That is, if I have a form do I have to write SQL to add/delete/edit the tables on the server.
3. Is migrating to an sql server stable?
Thanks for any information.
1. Migrating data from Access to SQL Server has been around for decades and there is a ton of online documentation. A quick search using your favorite Search Engine should find many of them. I use Duck Duck Go, but you should be able to get results from Bing, Google, etc. as well.

2. Of course; that's the whole point of migrating Access data to SQL Server. You have to modify your Access FE to work effectively with the data in SQL Server. Many times people experience significant decreased performance after a migration. Your second online search should be for optimizing Access to work with SQL Server. Here's a link to YouTube playlist with a number of presentations on this topic.
3. Stability is one of the reasons for migrating from ACE to SQL Server. Of course, there are more factors to account for with SQL Server, but this is one of the strengths of that approach.
In my humble opinion, you should mentally approach this as follows:

1) First, I will become knowledgeable about (choosing/using) some of the more common SQL Server datatypes: (maybe Varchar, Nvarchar, Int, Decimal, Datetime - that pretty much covers almost everything I use)
2) Then and only then, I will begin studying the concept of switching from Access tables to SQL tables.

As tempting as it may be, it does not make sense to jump straight to #2.
That is like living on an island and considering moving to a new, relatively unknown (to you) island, and deeming Bridges the most important part of that study.

It is much better to get to the position where you independently know exactly how you are going to want your SQL tables.
Then worry about the relatively smaller issue of "how" to migrate them.

Just one man's opinion experience.
SSMA is the migration tool. You can download it from a MS site. Make sure you download the bit version that matches your Access application. If your Access is 32-bit, then you MUST use the 32-bit version of SSMA. As Isaac mentioned there are some different datatypes. that you might need to worry about. As a first time conversion, I wouldn't worry about trying to optimize anything. BUT, you will need to go into SSMA's defaults and change the default for dates to datetime. It is the old format but unless you want to deal with distributing different versions of the ODBC driver to every single user of the application from now until eternity, stick with the "old" data types, at least for now. I also convert my Y/N fields to integers.

Make sure your Access application has NO compile errors. Make sure you are using Option Explicit in EVERY procedure and that all your variables are defined. Make sure you have primary keys on EVERY table. Make sure you have RI defined and enforced. Make sure you have the indexes you need for common searches. Be careful here though. Access has a default that builds indexes for fields that have particular suffixes such as ID. So, if a field is named ClientID, Access "helpfully" or "unhelpfully" depending on your POV builds an index automatically. You want to disable this feature if it was on and then go and delete the vast majority of indexes that were created. One particular thing to look for is indexes on your FK fields. So, in the Order table you have a FK named CustomerID. When you defined this relationship, Access automatically built a HIDDEN index because Access knew that one would be beneficial on this field. However, the default might have also built an index and even you might have build an index if you knew a little about indexes but didn't know about Access already building one for you. So, you probably have more indexes to delete than to build. You could potentially end up with THREE indexes on each FK field. You absolutely need to get back to only ONE.

Now, you are ready for a test. This is of course preliminary but it will give you a sense of what parts of the application you need to concentrate on. For example, if your forms are bound to tables or to queries without indexes and you use filtering to get to the record your user wants to update, be prepared for these forms to load at the speed of paint drying after the conversion. But, you don't want to waste your time starting with the low dollar payoffs so just do the conversion once the tables are cleaned up and then see where you stand.

I recommend fixing up your tables in Access FIRST but why? Well, the answer is, how many times do you want to fix them up in SQL Server? Since conversions are multiple run processes. You might be able to fix the tables in Access once or twice and convert a few times until you get all the data fixed up so I find it just saves me time, otherwise, every time I run a conversion, I have to fix up the tables on the Server side and I'd rather not. Instead, I prefer to convert them as clean as possible. Don't forget, you've got a lot of testing before the final conversion happens.
All reported - same spam on another user as well
@arnelgp Very naughty! Only kidding, definitely a hacked account. By the way, Last Pass password manager was hacked a while back. Not sure if you used it?
Yeah ... I think I heard my CISO talking about that and changing our GOTO passwords.

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