missing data


New member
Local time
Today, 11:48
Feb 19, 2013
:banghead:I have created multiple tables in my database and now for some reason it keeps telling me it can not find a few of my existing fields. Any ideas how i can fix this?
How are you trying to find these fields? Which tables are affected by this? Can you post up the queries/SQL/forms that you're using to find these existing fields?
it keeps saying it cant find my first name field in my main table therefore it is not letting me do anything.
Alright, so how are you trying to access the table here? Are you using a form? The reasons for your problem are different depending on how you're trying to do things.

Ideally, you should upload your database (or a security-safe copy) so that I can have a look directly.
Thank you I finally figured it out. One of my Name fields was typed wrong in a relationship table and so it kept kicking it back.
Alright, so how are you trying to access the table here? Are you using a form? The reasons for your problem are different depending on how you're trying to do things.

Ideally, you should upload your database (or a security-safe copy) so that I can have a look directly.

Ok I have attached acopy of my db.I thought the problem was solved but looks like i now have another issue with my termination qry. it says that the EXP is dulpicated. I am haveing some serious issues allthe way around with this db and ihavedeadlines to meet that are not seeming to get met.. iwould appreciate any helpo you can give

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