Move to SQL Server


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Apr 19, 2007
I'm planning make a move from Access to SQL Server.
To be honest I never used it before, but I told to my bosses that I'm a Gooroo in it.:)
So can you guys give me an idea if it is really hard to make a move, to upload the existing databases and to get used to it.
How long it takes?
What books would you recommend?
Or what forum?
There are two approaches. In access 2000 and above an upsizing wizard is available to create a SQL db and move/link your tables. I have never been able to get it to work successfully. So I just DTS the tables into SQL and take it from there. However if my memory serves me right Autonumbers are converted to number and you will have to set up the auto inc column again and update any related tables.
I have Access 2003 and it's gonna be SQL Server 2005
So can you guys give me an idea if it is really hard to make a move, to upload the existing databases and to get used to it.
How long it takes?
I've been working on SQL server for about 18months, the last 6 months or so in a "proper" DBA role rather than "just" as a data administrator. If I'm honest, I wouldn't even try to apply for another DBA role yet as I'm only just starting to feel confident that I understand a lot of the basics covering what SQL server can do. Not least because I inherited an incredibly badly designed and implemented database that was effectively "hardcoded" by the application. If you tie yourself from day one into a similar pattern then getting to grips with SQL server is going to be a lot harder than it need be.

SQL server is not a client/server version of Access and just being good with Access isn't going to be enough to carry you into a SQL server developer/DBA role for any length of time.

In terms of moving an existing database application into SQL server then at a basic level if you're competent with Access then the fundamentals will be easy enough. Table design views etc are very similar, but you have a lot more flexibility at your disposal with SQL server. You will need to know ASAP the differences in Data types between Access and SQL server. Indexes, Stored Procedures and Views. I strongly recommend that you DON'T let your front end application send raw SQL to the database, especially if the development of that application relies on someone else (or the company having to spend extra money doing it), even as a short term measure. AS a DBA it's a lot easier for me to re-write a stored procedure or view to take into account changes I want to make than it is for me to convince the company to redesign their application.

If you're using SQL server 2000 then I do recommend getting ASAP a book like "Mastering SQL server 2000" by Sybex (we've no immediate plans to move to 2005, so I can't recommend any specific books no that). I've found it to be very useful. When I'm not doing proper work things (or Lurking here) then I'm working through that book covering the areas that I don't perhaps do a lot of on a day to day basis. In many cases, I've found a lot of those aspects suddenly are being used on a day to day basis once I've understood them.

in terms of sites. has proven useful and regularly publishes articles that are well worth reading even if it is just to think "wtf are they talking about, maybe I need to find out". There are some good "10 things a DBA should know" and "10 things that will get you sacked" type articles that you should really look at if you intend to cut the mustard as a SQL-server DBA. is perhaps more useful once you've started to find your feet a bit

I also wouldn't even begin to think about moving your Access database into SQL server until you're comfortable with how you intend it to work. Putting your existing data tables into SQL server is straightforward enough, but what type of indexes do you intend to use? What security model are you going to implement when users login to your database? What are you going to use as your front end? If you are sticking with Access, which route are you going to take? can you simplify some of your existing code using, perhaps Triggers or UserDefined functions/Datatypes within SQL server and so on?

If you're keeping Access as a front end might you consider just exporting your tables into SQL server and linking them to Access to retain your existing code as much as possible, what considerations might this have to your existing code given the differences in how SQL server and Access handle some key information types?
Wow! All that is above of my head!
You scared me.....
I guess before you started Access, it looked scary too? Just go ahead and learn along the way. Get yourself some books which explain the migration from Access to SQL and learn the rest the hard way: Trial and Error! It's not until you start feeling really challenged by challenges, that DB Design and Coding in general will probably start making part of your daily life, which is essential if you want to get somewhere in these fields.

You scared me.....
What Premy said.

The only concern is having told your boss that you're a SQL server expert you might have to learn fast, especially if there is no-one else who can help cover for you ;)

But if your boss is none the wiser about SQL server either then you've got some scope for trial and error. Get stuck in and hope nothing goes horribly wrong before you've had a chance to figure out what's going on ;) (hint, learn backups.)
Yep, tehNellie is right. Should teach you to never bite off more than you can chew. Right now I think it'd be better to let yr boss know it'll take longer than u first expected.
As for books I'd recommend you:
Alison Balters Access 2002 Enterprise Developpement, which gives a real comprehensive map road to upsizing and shows most potential problems involved, as well as their solutions/workarounds.
Thank you for advices.
The thing is that there is nothing to administer.
I'm gonna work alone with it and I've got SQL Server for my researches only.
Access is just unable to chew the files I bite all the time.
I'm dealing with inventory files of the really big international structure.
So sometimes I have like 4million lines in a table.
I basically make queries only. And as soon as have less then 65536 lines, I move it to Excel where everything is easy to do.

So the question is there same tools for making queries like Microsoftish drug and drop and is the SQL dialect the same, or should I get prepared?
You can sort of create queries as you would in Access using the Design menu for creating Views. I do tend to do this when I have a lot of joins and then paste into the query analyser to finish it off.

The SQL syntax is broadly the same, there are some subtle differences in some areas, but you have a lot more scope at your disposal to crunch all your data within a single query than you perhaps do with Access. It is worth spending a little time looking around some sites covering T-SQL (SQL Server's SQL implementation), a google search on Access vs SQL server SQL or somesuch should yield some useful sites.

You might find that creating your table structure in SQL Server and using Access as a front end using linked tables and passthrough queries or some VBA to call Stored Procedures gives you a happy medium between keeping the interface you are used to (Access) and utilising the power of SQL Server to crunch your data. And it gives you an excuse to get up to speed on T-SQL without having to worry about keeping a full on Server ship-shape and Bristol fashion.

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