Movie name game

Carrie Fisher - Star Wars
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Carrie Fisher - Star Wars

I am sorry Ksan, but that is not a correct answer. you need to find someone who was in Scrooge with Sir Alec and then name another movie they were in. is a good source if you are stumped. Thanks for playing
Thanks for playing
[echoing announcer's voice]
...but no one leaves empty handed, enjoy the following basket of consolation prizes from Preparation-H and you and your friends will now be able to enjoy your very own copy of the Movie Name Game Home Edition:D :D [red applause sign lights]

KalelGmoon said:
Sir Alec Guinness - Scrooge (1970)
Albert Finney -- Big Fish
[echoing announcer's voice]
...but no one leaves empty handed, enjoy the following basket of consolation prizes from Preparation-H and you and your friends will now be able to enjoy your very own copy of the Movie Name Game Home Edition:D :D [red applause sign lights]

Albert Finney -- Big Fish

Ewan Mcgregor - Trainspotting

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