ms acces


New member
Local time
Tomorrow, 00:06
Feb 6, 2025
I want to start learning MS Access from the basics. Please help me with a video tutorial or a PDF book.
Plenty of videos on Youtube. Whole series from presenters.

My old bosses bought me this book for 2007 a good few years back.

Plus a simple Google will give you
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What version are you looking for and what type of a project do you have in mind?
Many people like to learn by example. If they see something they can understand, they have less trouble understanding how it works. That is why people recommended finding a template in your other thread.
If you choose to use a template, import only the tables into a new database, as the rest will not fit your scenario. The imported tables will likely be normalized and possibly joined. From there you can build your working knowledge.
We do things for free here.
Find some other place to tout your wares. :mad:
File >New gives you access to the templates. I can recommend Northwind Starter Edition. It is a showcase of what is possible with Access, and it comes with lots of documentation.

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