MS Access - trouble passing variable to function for use in query (1 Viewer)


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Today, 12:54
Oct 22, 2012
Okay, so I'm using a form to launch a query and I need this query to set the criteria based on what is being viewed in the form. I've researched and found that in order to use a variable in a query, you have to pass it to a function.

Here's my code for the form that sets the variable:
Private Sub cmdClassReport_Click()

Dim txtModelClass As String

'uses open form to lookup info in related table and set the variable
txtModelClass = Nz(DLookup("[fleetModelClass]", "tblFleetCopiers", "[fleetAutoID] =" & Me!locFleetIDAuto), 0)

GetModelClass txtModelClass

DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryCopiers"

End Sub

And here is my function:
Public Function GetModelClass(ByVal txtModelClass As String) As String

'variable set in Sub used as value of function
GetModelClass = txtModelClass

End Function

Here is what I have as my criteria in my query:

I've verified that the variable (txtModelClass) gets set correctly in the Sub by displaying a message box but my query keeps returning blank.

What am I doing wrong?
Do this:

Create a global variable in a standard module's GENERAL DECLARATIONS section.
Public strModelClass As String

Then the wrapper function
Function GetModelClass() As String
   GetModelClass = strModelClass
End Function

And then your code:

Private Sub cmdClassReport_Click()
Dim txtModelClass As String
'uses open form to lookup info in related table and set the variable
txtModelClass = Nz(DLookup("[fleetModelClass]", "tblFleetCopiers", "[fleetAutoID] =" & Me!locFleetIDAuto), 0)
[B][COLOR=red]strModelClass =[/COLOR][/B] txtModelClass
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryCopiers"

And in your query

I'm still getting an empty query.

Now, my code is in a form class object whereas the function is in a module- would that be my problem?
The Function and the variable need to be in the STANDARD module (not form, report, or class module).

The click event would be in the form's module.

But now that I was typing that it dawned on me what is happening. You CAN'T do a query like that. I thought you were wanting to DISPLAY the function value in the query and not use it for criteria.

For criteria, you can either change the query's SQL from a QueryDef object in the click event or you can just make a report from that query - getting rid of that criteria and then the code in your click event becomes even easier:

DoCmd.OpenReport "ReportNameHere", acViewPreview, , txtModelClass
Okay, here's what I have now:

Private Sub cmdClassReport_Click()

Dim txtModelClass As String
Dim strSQL As String
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Set db = Application.CurrentDb
Set qdf = db.QueryDefs("qryCopiersByClass")

txtModelClass = Nz(DLookup("[fleetModelClass]", "tblFleetCopiers", "[fleetAutoID] =" & Forms![frmFleetMenu]!sbfFleetDetail!locFleetIDAuto), 0)

strSQL = Left(qdf.SQL, InStr(qdf.SQL, "HAVING") - 1) & _
" HAVING (((tblFleetCopiers.fleetModelClass)="" & txtModelClass & ""));"

qdf.SQL = strSQL

DoCmd.OpenReport "rptCopiersByClass", acViewPreview

End Sub

It's soooo close to working but for some reason, it puts " & txtModelClass & " into the criteria box. If I take out a set of quotes, it will put in the correct value but as an integer giving me a data type mismatch.
Change this

" HAVING (((tblFleetCopiers.fleetModelClass)="" & txtModelClass & ""));"


" HAVING (((tblFleetCopiers.fleetModelClass)=" & Chr(34) & txtModelClass & Chr(34) & "));"

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