Multiple Records from a List Box

  • Thread starter Thread starter Damon Vogel
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Damon Vogel

Ok, I'm sorry if this is somewhere else in the forum, but I can't seem to locate it. Here's my task:

I am writing an attendance program for an Ambulance Company, and I actually have a large chunk of it done. I have a text box for the date and a combo box for the type of activity. I have two side-by-side list boxes that lets the officers select peoples names and put them in the right side list box. The part that I need help with is: How do I add new records to the table that includes each of the members names, but all the same dates and activities.


John Smith 5/10/05 Meeting
Jane Smith 5/10/05 Meeting
Tom Jones 5/10/05 Meeting

I think that i need to write a loop, but my access programming is way out of shape. Any help would be appreciated, ladies and gentlemen

~Damon Vogel
could you post your db here ? i might be able to do it and post it back for you.

It's pretty basic in how it looks, it'll get pretty later.
Thanks for your help in advance. I want to add a new entry for every Name in the Right-hand list that also includes the Data in the top boxes.



Firstly, this is a very well thought out db. So, good job on the tables !

BUT (theres always a BUT :p)

there are a few issues we need to handle before we do this...-

1. Your query is refering to a table that does not seem to exsist for some reason :confused: .

2. Even after adding records in your table, your form doesn't show the records.

3. You changed you question in your 2nd post :D .... im ready to help but i ddn't get it.... are you refering to the table or form (form i THINK).. but i don't know what you mean by right and left.

Also... in your form, the Add buttton doesn't add the records to the list box on the right ... :confused: ..

please clearify.... :rolleyes:
My deepest apologies, it seems that I was a little rushed yesterday, and I didn't explain, nor clear out my feeble attempts at the problem.

Answers: 1) The query is a failed attempt. - Deleted

2) The records in the List box "All Names" comes from the Table IDNames, and is working how I need it to work.

3) I'm looking for a way to code the "Add" button to add multiple records to the table "events". There will be one record for each name in the listbox "Attendees". Each of those records will have the same values for the three "Events" (Date, Type, and Name) and that data will come from the text boxes at the top of the form.

Thanks again for your help, I'm sorry that it wasn't clearer.



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