Navigation Bar


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Today, 11:10
Jan 6, 2015
[SOLVED] Navigation Bar

One of my students just broke MS Access 2013.
He was moving the navigation pane back and forth and not its stuck in an almost minimized state. The navigation pane works, but you have to hover objects just to know what they are. I cant get the doubleheaded arrow to make it wider again. The navigation pane returns to normal in other databases on the same computer.

Please help.

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I seem to recall having this problem a year or so ago. I think I solved it by hitting F11
I can't stand this navigation PAIN!
What on earth was wrong with the database window?
In fact the whole UI in 2013 is inferior to 2003.
This is Microsoft coming up with needless mods to confuse and befuddle us.
Now when I copy and paste a query I go nuts looking for the new query.
I'm too old for this crappola.

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