Need ProperCase to check numeric values


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Today, 05:17
May 11, 2005
Does anyone know how I can implement the following code into my existing "ProperCase" module so that it would work as one. The ProperCase code I got from these forums works great and has an "Exception List", but the only downfall is it can't detect numeric values before an Alpha character.

Any help would be greatly appreciated as I can't seem to figure out how to integrate the 2 together.:confused:

This code checks to see if there is an Alpha character after a number. (Example: 418c centre street) and would then convert it to upper case (418C Centre Street):
Function NumericAddress(strIn As String) As String
Dim arrString() As String
Dim j As Integer
Dim I As Integer
strIn = StrConv(strIn, vbProperCase)
arrString = Split(strIn, " ")
For j = 0 To UBound(arrString)
    For I = 1 To Len(arrString(j))
        If IsNumeric(Mid(arrString(j), I, 1)) Then
            arrString(j) = StrConv(arrString(j), vbUpperCase)
            Exit For
        End If
    Next I
Next j
NumericAddress = Join(arrString(), " ")
End Function

This is the current code I use for ProperCase with an Exception List:
Option Compare Binary
' So that MacDonald <> Macdonald in this module only!  The mdlGetException module is set to Option Compare Database
' so that exceptions need only be typed into the exception table once.
Option Explicit                ' Require variable declaration

Global Const mstrTableName = "Exceptions"  'Exception table and field names.  These may be changed if needed.
Global Const mstrFieldName1 = "[Exception List]"   'Holds the exception word.  Case doesn't matter.
Global Const mstrFieldName2 = "Replacement"     'Holds the replacement for the exception.  Capitalize this the way you want
                                                                          'it to appear.
Global Const vbUpperCase = 1  'Converts the string to uppercase characters.
Global Const vbLowerCase = 2  'Converts the string to lowercase characters.
Global Const vbProperCase = 3     'Converts the first letter of every word in string to uppercase.
Global Const vbSentenceCase = 4     'Converts the first letter of the string to uppercase, all others to lowercase.

'Message box types
Global Const MB_OKCANCEL = &H1
Global Const MB_YESNOCANCEL = &H3
Global Const MB_YESNO = &H4
Global Const MB_RETRYCANCEL = &H5

'Message box icons
Global Const MB_ICONSTOP = &H10
Global Const MB_ICONQUESTION = &H20

'Message box default buttons
Global Const MB_DEFBUTTON1 = &H0
Global Const MB_DEFBUTTON2 = &H100
Global Const MB_DEFBUTTON3 = &H200

'Message box return values
Global Const MB_OK = 1
Global Const MB_CANCEL = 2
Global Const MB_ABORT = 3
Global Const MB_RETRY = 4
Global Const MB_IGNORE = 5
Global Const MB_YES = 6
Global Const MB_NO = 7

Public dbs As Database, rst As Recordset
Dim varImpWord As Variant, varPropWord As Variant, varOutput As Variant, varTemp As Variant
'                ^--Improper word            ^--Proper word              ^--Output string
Dim intResult As Integer
Public varSepChar As Variant, varWordList() As Variant, intSepCharCnt As Integer, intWordCount As Integer
Dim booCallFromPropMan As Boolean
Function ProperCase(varPropCaseInput As Variant, intConversion As Integer) As Variant
' This function takes a variant and applies word caps. It also has an exception list stored as an Access table where
' it overrides the word caps rule. Individual cases will have to be added to the exception list manually or at run time by using the
' ProperManager wrapper function. The exception list cannot contain wildcards; however, capitalization of the exception (first
' column) isn't important.  The replacement (second column) must be capitalized the way you want it to appear.  The table
' contains two indexed columns of type text and length 50. Table name and column names are given in the constants above.
' The return value is a variant containing the string in Proper Case.
Dim I As Integer
        If IsNull(varPropCaseInput) Then GoTo ProperCase_Exit
                        varOutput = Null        'Initializes variables
                        varImpWord = Null
                        varPropWord = Null
        Select Case intConversion
                Case Is = vbProperCase
                        ParseWords (varPropCaseInput)
                        For I = 0 To Len(varPropCaseInput)      'Iterates through word list
                                If IsEmpty(varWordList(I, 0)) Then      'Word element is empty
                                        If IsEmpty(varWordList(I, 1)) Then      'Word separator element is empty - completed proper casing.
                                                ProperCase = BuildOutput(varPropCaseInput)      'Build output string
                                                Exit For
                                        End If
                                Else    'Word element is not empty
                                        varImpWord = varWordList(I, 0)      'Get word
                                        varTemp = GetException(varImpWord)      'Check word against exception list
                                                If Len(varTemp) <> 0 Then   'Word is present in the exception list
                                                        varPropWord = varTemp       'Get replacement word for exception
                                                Else    'Word is not in the exception list
                                                        varPropWord = UCase(Left(varImpWord, 1)) & LCase(Mid(varImpWord, 2))  'Proper case word
                                                        If booCallFromPropMan = True Then ManageException
                                                        'Goes to exception management sub if ProperCase was called from ProperManager
                                                End If
                                        varWordList(I, 0) = varPropWord     'Inserts the proper cased word back into the word list
                                End If
                        Next I
                Case Is = vbUpperCase
                        varOutput = UCase(varPropCaseInput)
                Case Is = vbLowerCase
                        varOutput = LCase(varPropCaseInput)
                Case Is = vbSentenceCase
                        ParseWords (varPropCaseInput)
                        For I = 0 To Len(varPropCaseInput)      'Iterates through word list
                                If IsEmpty(varWordList(I, 0)) Then      'Word element is empty
                                        If IsEmpty(varWordList(I, 1)) Then      'Word separator element is empty - completed proper casing.
                                                ProperCase = BuildOutput(varPropCaseInput)      'Build output string
                                                Exit For
                                        End If
                                Else    'Word element is not empty
                                        varImpWord = varWordList(I, 0)      'Get word
                                        varTemp = GetException(varImpWord)      'Check word against exception list
                                                If Len(varTemp) <> 0 Then   'Word is present in the exception list
                                                        varPropWord = varTemp       'Get replacement word for exception
                                                Else    'Word is not in the exception list
                                                        If varWordList(I, 2) = 1 Then
                                                                varPropWord = UCase(Left(varImpWord, 1)) & LCase(Mid(varImpWord, 2))
                                                                'If this is the first word in the string, then proper case word
                                                                varPropWord = LCase(varImpWord)     'Convert word to lower case
                                                        End If
                                                        If booCallFromPropMan = True Then ManageException
                                                        'Goes to exception management sub if ProperCase was called from ProperManager
                                                End If
                                        varWordList(I, 0) = varPropWord     'Inserts the proper cased word back into the word list
                                End If
                        Next I
        End Select
        ProperCase = varOutput
        booCallFromPropMan = False
End Function
Function ProperManager(varPropManInput As Variant, intConversion As Integer) As Variant
' This function can be optionally used to *wrap* the ProperCase routine and perform some management of the exception list.
' Deleting items from the list is up to the individual developer.

        booCallFromPropMan = True   'Tells the ProperCase function to call ManageExceptions when needed.
        ProperManager = ProperCase(varPropManInput, intConversion)
End Function
Sub ManageException()   'Queries the user and adds exceptions to the list

        If varPropWord <> varImpWord Then
        ' ProperCase has changed the text. Confirm with user.
                intResult = MsgBox("ProperCase has changed '" & varImpWord & "' to '" & varPropWord & "'. Is this correct?", _
                MB_YESNO + MB_ICONQUESTION, "ProperCase Exceptions Manager")
                If intResult = MB_NO Then   'Not correct
                        intResult = MsgBox("Do you want to add '" & varImpWord & "' to the exception list?", MB_YESNO + _
                        MB_ICONQUESTION, "ProperCase Exceptions Manager")
                        If intResult = MB_YES Then  'Add to exception list
                                varPropWord = InputBox("How would you like this word capitalized in the future?", , varImpWord)
                                'Get the replacement capitalization for this word in the future.
                                Set dbs = DBEngine(0)(0)
                                dbs.Execute "INSERT INTO " & mstrTableName & " (" & mstrFieldName1 & ", " & mstrFieldName2 & ") VALUES (" & "'" & varImpWord & "', '" & varPropWord & "');"
                                'Inserts the exception word into column 1 and the replacement word into column 2 of the exception table.
                        Else    'Don't add to exception list
                                varPropWord = varImpWord
                        End If
                Else    'Correct - keep changes
                End If
        Else    'No change
        End If

End Sub
Function BuildOutput(varBuildInput As Variant) As Variant       'Builds proper cased output string
Dim ii As Integer

        For ii = 0 To Len(varBuildInput)    'Iterates through proper cased word list
                If IsEmpty(varWordList(ii, 0)) Then     'Element does not contain a word
                        If IsEmpty(varWordList(ii, 1)) Then     'Element does not contain a word separator
                                Exit For    'All words and separators have been found.  Output string is complete.
                                varOutput = varOutput & varWordList(ii, 1)      'Concatenate word separator to output string
                        End If
                        varOutput = varOutput & varWordList(ii, 0)  'Concatenate word to output string
                End If
        Next ii
        BuildOutput = varOutput
End Function
Public Sub SetSepChars()
'Sets up an array of the accepted word separation characters.  These may be modified by the developer as needed.

        varSepChar = Array(" ", "-", ".", ",", ":", ";", "(", ")", "\", "/", "'", Chr(9), Chr(10), Chr(13))
'                                                                                 ^--Tab  ^--{LF}  ^--{CR}
        intSepCharCnt = UBound(varSepChar)    'Counts the number of word separation characters in the array

End Sub
Function ParseWords(ByVal varParseInput As Variant) As Variant
Dim intStartPos As Integer, intEndPos As Integer, intArrayIndex As Integer, varTestChar As Variant, _
intTestPos As Integer, iii As Integer, varWord As Variant

        If IsNull(varParseInput) Then
                GoTo ExitParseWords
                ReDim varWordList(Len(varParseInput), 2) As Variant
                'Declare word list array with as many rows as there are characters in the varParseInput variable (to be conservative).
                'Column 0 holds the final parsed words, column 1 holds the word separators, and column 2 holds an integer
                'describing the corresponding word's position in the input string (1 for first word, 2 for second word, etc.).
                intArrayIndex = 0       'Initialize variables
                intStartPos = 1
                intEndPos = 0
                intWordCount = 0
                For intTestPos = 1 To Len(varParseInput) 'Iterate through entire input string
                        varTestChar = Mid(varParseInput, intTestPos, 1)     'Get character to be tested
                        For iii = 0 To intSepCharCnt  'Iterate through word separator characters
                                If varTestChar <> varSepChar(iii) Then    'If something other than a word separator
                                        If iii = intSepCharCnt Then   'All word separators have been compared with
                                                varWord = varWord & varTestChar     'Concatenate with previous characters in the same word
                                                If intTestPos = Len(varParseInput) Then     'Entire string has been tested
                                                        varWordList(intArrayIndex, 0) = varWord     'Insert word into proper element
                                                        intWordCount = intWordCount + 1     'Advance word counter
                                                        varWordList(intArrayIndex, 2) = intWordCount    'Enumerate word in array
                                                        intArrayIndex = intArrayIndex + 1   'Advance array index counter
                                                End If
                                        End If
                                Else    'If test character is a word separator
                                        If Not IsNull(varWord) Or intTestPos = Len(varParseInput) Then
                                        'Complete word has been parsed or end of string has been reached
                                                varWordList(intArrayIndex, 0) = varWord     'Insert word into array
                                                intWordCount = intWordCount + 1 'Advance word counter
                                                varWordList(intArrayIndex, 2) = intWordCount    'Enumerate word in array
                                                intArrayIndex = intArrayIndex + 1   'Advance index array counter
                                        End If
                                        varWordList(intArrayIndex, 1) = varTestChar     'Insert word separator into array
                                        intArrayIndex = intArrayIndex + 1   'Advance array index counter
                                        If Not IsNull(varWord) Then varWord = Null      'Re-initialize word variable
                                        Exit For
                                End If
                        Next iii
                Next intTestPos
        End If
        ParseWords = varWordList        'Set output to word list
        'GoSub PrintWordList     'Test function by printing to Debug window - uncomment this line if you want to use
        GoTo ExitParseWords
        For intArrayIndex = 0 To UBound(varWordList)    'Iterate through word list array
                If Not IsNull(varWordList(intArrayIndex, 0)) Then Debug.Print varWordList(intArrayIndex, 0)
                'Print each element in array to the Debug window
        Next intArrayIndex
End Function
Function GetWord(ByVal varGetInput As Variant, intIndex As Integer) As Variant
'This function will parse a string and return whatever word you like.
'Accepts: input field and index number starting with 1
'Returns: the nth word in the input string.
Dim iv As Integer

        If IsNull(varGetInput) Then
                GetWord = Null
                GoTo ExitGetWord
                If intIndex < 1 Then    'Can't get a zero word!
                        MsgBox ("Please enter a number greater than or equal to 1.")
                        GoTo ExitGetWord
                        CountWords (varGetInput)
                        If intIndex - 1 > intWordCount Then     'Index number given is greater than the number of words in the string.
                                MsgBox ("Please enter a number between 1 and " & intWordCount & ".")
                                For iv = 0 To UBound(varWordList)   'Iterates through word list
                                        If varWordList(iv, 2) = intIndex Then   'Column 2 (word count) equals the index number asked for.
                                                GetWord = varWordList(iv, 0)    'Retrieves the correct word
                                                Exit For
                                        End If
                                Next iv
                        End If
                End If
        End If
End Function
Function CountWords(ByVal varCountInput As Variant) As Integer
'Counts the words in a string.

        ParseWords (varCountInput)
        CountWords = intWordCount

End Function
Sub TestParseWords()    'Tests the ParseWords function
Dim strAString As String, v As Integer, intCnt As Integer

        strAString = "Once, I thought I could write a module like this easily; now, I know better."
        'Find out how many separated words are present
                intCnt = CountWords(strAString)
                Debug.Print intCnt
        'Now call the other function to retrieve each one in turn
        For v = 1 To intCnt
                Debug.Print GetWord(strAString, v)
        Next v

End Sub
Sub TestProperManager()     'Tests the ProperManager function

        Debug.Print ProperManager("GREEN TREES have purPLE LEAVES, MCDONALD.", vbLowerCase)

End Sub
Sub TestProperCase()        'Tests the ProperCase function

        Debug.Print ProperCase("GREEN TREES have purPLE LEAVES, mcdonald.", vbSentenceCase)

End Sub

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