Need VBA Code To Get The Data From Google Drive Excel Sheet


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Sep 6, 2004

I am looking for vba code lines to import data from a Google Drive Online Recruitment (Protected Excel sheet - I have userid and pwd) to local Excel in pc or direct to Access tbl and then clean the Online Recruitment Excel Sheet (at web) so that next time when I connect web Excel again there will be new data.

Further I can manage to transfer data from local access tbl to required dept head in a specific format.

1 method is :
to manually download the file to the same place everytime, say: c:\temp\File2Import.xls
then run queries to process data in access..

Note: the file c:\temp\File2Import.xls is linked as an external table.
This need only be done once.

(Tho someone else may have a way to read directly from the google drive.)
1 method is :
to manually download the file to the same place everytime, say: c:\temp\File2Import.xls
then run queries to process data in access..

Note: the file c:\temp\File2Import.xls is linked as an external table.
This need only be done once.

(Tho someone else may have a way to read directly from the google drive.)
Thanks Runman256,

This may helpful to me for post 50% of work but I need the code to connect Excel sheet on Google Drive and read

I need vba code or some ideas to read google drive excel file and store in local Access tbl.

Any other Idea?
a further step, there is a VBA to actually write the "records" of google sheet to
a local excel file (excel vba):
you need to research the rest.

just test it on my google sheet and it successfully import it.
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Unless you can map the location of the target file in code, I suspect you may struggle with this.
Access doesn't understand a shared web-based folder, but it will understand a mapped drive.

There are very similar issues with Sharepoint or One-Drive file storage.
'Onedrive/Google drive Hosting'
on this forum.

on this forum
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