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Yesterday, 21:33
Oct 2, 2012
Hey, My name is Katie and I work in the world of logistics. My employer currently uses Excel to create Purchase Orders. Unfortunately, my memory is shorter than my nose so when my team asks who we booked a load with or what we paid/quoted, I can't remember. That is where my problem begins and ends.

So I have taken on this task of creating a database. HA! Overwhelmed is a tad bit UNDERstated. I have my tables created and know what I want - but the path to get there is missing and I hope I can lean on some more experienced users here to guide me as I bump along.

If anyone works in logistics - I am looking primarily for a way to ultimately create a purchase order that will have the carrier agency info on top (Agency, Contact, Name, Fax, Email) along with PO Number and load requirements (tarp, id requirements, stakes, etc). Below would be the address and contact of the pick up location with the date/time of pick up followed or along side of the delivery location with date/time of delivery.

I assume this MUST be in report form as there are legal blurbs that must be noted on the bottom by a signature of acceptance line.

I have tables set up with my carriers (Agencies), customers (not really using this so much but hope to incorporate it as an order entry end of the DB), Fleet (lists types of trucks for selection in an order), etc....

Right now I feel as though my DB is just full of STUFF. I have done what I can to protect the integrity, but ultimately, it is more of a glorified excel database than a fuctioning database that performs.

I look forward to working with you all!


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 20:33
Sep 19, 2012
Welcome to the forum, Katie.

This section is for introductions. You will get more exposure if you post your request in one of the Access Discussion forums. :)

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