New to VBA and Access, Need General Help :)

OK so the Kits table is the table that underlies the inventory modification form That is the table involved.

The options (tables and/or query names) are for your ease of selection when you are designing the form. You are just looking at design to see what the developer/design chose when creating this form.
OK so the Kits table is the table that underlies the inventory modification form That is the table involved.

I have found the Kits table with all the same incorrect values displayed, have any ideas on what i could do next?

Thankyou so much for your time and effort, you are truly helping me.

Regards, Rhys.

EDIT: when i try to open the table in design view, it gives me this caution notice, any idea why?


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OK so the Kits table is the table that underlies the inventory modification form That is the table involved.

The options (tables and/or query names) are for your ease of selection when you are designing the form. You are just looking at design to see what the developer/design chose when creating this form.

Made a backup and opened the table in design view. here is a screen cap :)


  • mark  kit table design view.PNG
    mark kit table design view.PNG
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So ive been able to find the (kits) table in which the "on Order" values are stored, they are showing the incorrect values (exactly the same as the "inventory Modification" form.) When i open the Table in design view, it shows me that the data type for the "on Order" column is a Number data type, so that rules out the data type being calculated.

Any tips going forward from here?

Thanks everyone for your time, means more to me than you would think :)

Regards, Rhys.
I think you have to look at the form (inventory modification) and try to determine the "anticipated logic" of what should happen. Take a couple of test values and attempt to identify the "expected result of an action" and compare your "observed value with the expected result".

Is there anyone who uses or has used the form to offer some guidance with respect to expected result or processing steps?
I think you have to look at the form (inventory modification) and try to determine the "anticipated logic" of what should happen. Take a couple of test values and attempt to identify the "expected result of an action" and compare your "observed value with the expected result".

Is there anyone who uses or has used the form to offer some guidance with respect to expected result or processing steps?

The person who worked here previously should be in contact with me to try and help me overcome some of these issues, i have some worries that he didnt fix the issues simply because he didn't know how, but i will ask him the questions ive been asking on here and see where it gets me. He was the only person who had any understanding of the structure of the DB and why it functions the way it does so hopefully he has some insightful knowledge to pass onto me.

What could i do to
test values and attempt to identify the "expected result of an action" and compare your "observed value with the expected result".
as my knowledge on the functions of Access are very minimal.

Thanks again, Rhys.
this is a display of the incorrect values in their respected columns if this helps anyone.

Regards, Rhys.


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Get the "anticipated logic" in plain English---if I add 6 to inventory then inventory should increase by 6, or if we sell x of product Y, then inventory should be reduced by x.
This initial part isn't an Access problem it is a specification (by trial and error or best guess) and that's plain English.
I'm surprised nobody from the "business side of things" understands the "business process(es)" in simple English. They may not know how the system "does it", but they should have a reasonable idea of what they do and/or what the business process is.

Your objective at this point would be to identify the logic of "inventory modification" at this org. Make some pictures or state some facts/guesses and get someone to correct/verify. You can include some errors (obvious to you, but something the user should jump on) just to let get a sense of how helpful the org is/will be. "Once they point out your mistake/misunderstanding" they may be open to increased participation.If they don't spot and correct your "obvious error", then you may be in more trouble than you think.
I can't believe no one in that org is familiar with "inventory modification" at some level.
How could they stay viable if that really is the case?

Keep digging. Get the former db person to tell you the English version of the logic as best he can before getting into Access/vba/macro coding where you have already suggested he may have been weak.

Focus on WHAT should happen and get it confirmed. Forum members can help you with options for HOW it might be accomplished with Access/vba/macros. But WHAT always comes before HOW.

Good luck.

UPDATE: Just saw your latest post.
Please explain/describe why values are incorrect.
People understand how it SHOULD work, but dont know why it isnt running how it should due to lack of IT skills.
Have corresponded with the previous owner of the program, he has tried to help VIA phone but we couldn't get much done due to not looking at the same program on both ends, he should be coming in sometime early next week to troubleshoot with me. I will update here with the outcome of the troubleshooting, until then, i would like to thank everyone who has tried to help me figure this stuff out over the past couple of days, it means a lot to me as this is an important task for me and the fact that you's are willing to help me is awesome, i truly appreciate it.

Kindest of regards, Rhys.

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