Newer company PCs reflecting wrong version of Access


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Today, 04:43
Jul 2, 2015
I am an employee at a small company, and occasionally, our employees access a database located on the network.

On all of our newer machines, users receive an error upon opening the database. Everyone else can access the file just fine. The version for everyone else reads as 14.0.7015. On the users who receive the error, their version reads 14.0.4763. We use the exact same setup file for everyone when installing professional plus 2010, so why is it that the wrong version shows on these newer model laptops/desktops?
Whenever I google the error, it specifically says one version will not open a database created in the other version, so I am assuming version number is the culprit here, but we all have the same Office installed.
Can somebody explain how to get the database working on those newer PCs? And why the versions show as different if we use the same install for every user?

Also* * The title bar should read: (Database title) (Access 2007-2010). For the new PCs it shows (Database title) (Access 2007).
On a new machine, try making sure Windows Update is run including "Other Microsoft Products" or whatever the verbiage is. I'm guessing there's a service pack that will raise the version on the newer machines.
I know exactly what you are referring to, but I have one of the PCs in front of me now, and the only options under windows update are "give me recommended updates the same way I receive important updates" and "allow all users to install updates on this computer". There is usually a third checkbox about Microsoft updates but it is not listed here.
Curious. What OS? I only have Win 7 around, though I keep meaning to create a Win 10 VM.
All of our machines run on Windows 7.
Very weird. EVen if I try to upgrade the problem PCs to SP2 with the free link online, it doesn't work. But I really think the version numbers differing is why the database won't open.
They keep getting the error "The database cannot be opened because the VBA project contained in it cannot be read. The database can be opened only if the VBA project is first deleted. Deleting the VBA project removes all code from modules, forms and reports. You should back up your database before attempting to open the database and delete the VBA project."
The choices are to click OK (which we obviously don't want to do), Cancel or Help.

Usually if something is wrong or corrupted, EVERYONE gets this error, and I fix it.
But it is just those few employees who get the error, and it works fine for everyone else. When I google it, version mismatch is the assumed cause.
Has anyone ever seen this?
This selectivity of the error condition smells slightly of a broken reference, which is a per-system condition. If you open a code window and use the menu bar to find Tools >> References, look for a "broken reference" in the dialog box for the cases where the problem occurs. Having incompatible references would perhaps cause your problem, though I'm not going to swear on a stack of Bibles on that fine point.

This could be part of a "ragged" install of Office such that you might need to go back and assure that all of the options are installed - i.e. a "full install" with all options running from local disk. If I recall correctly, there is an option tab for "Accessories" that includes MS Graph and a couple of other utilities. Be sure that is also correctly defined.
I found the solution to this - though I am not sure what caused it.

Again, every install is done from the same setup.exe file. However, in the VBA7 folder within program files
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\VBA\VBA7
There is a VBE7.DLL file.
This DLL needs to be a version in order to work. On some of our PCs, the version is 7.0.15 (not sure of the 4th number at the moment). After replacing the .15 files with .16, users no longer received the error.

Does anyone know why some end up being 7.0.15 as opposed to 7.0.16? Even though the same version of Office 2010 is being installed for everyone?
Thanks for following up with the solution. Not sure how you could get a different copy of that file with the same install, other than a Windows update. Perhaps because of where it is, another Office (or Microsoft) program was installed that updated it? Do the offending computers have something like that in common? Or something on the other computers that isn't on these?
One way to diagnose your specific question is to do a web search for VBE7.DLL and see which products pop up as using it. Then see if the users with the different versions either did (or perhaps did NOT) use the OTHER products (beside Access). It seems to me that VBE7.DLL would be something related to Visual Basic support, but I don't see it on my Win7 with Office 2013 loaded.

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