No of Sundays in a period


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Today, 02:21
Oct 27, 2007
I want to find the number of Sundays in a period. I am asking the inputter to give me the start date of a period and the end date. Can someone suggest coding to iterate through the dates and count the weekday index 7 only. I'm getting bogged down in this.

Help appreciated.

Don't know if this will help but here is a function that, in this example, populates a combo box with n number of Mondays (You could change it to Sundays).

To call this function simply enter ListMondays in your rowsource type


Function ListMondays(Fld As Control, id As Variant, _
    row As Variant, col As Variant, Code As Variant) _
     As Variant
    Dim intOffset As Integer
    Dim szDate As Date
    szDate = DateAdd("m", -2, Now())
    Select Case Code
        Case acLBInitialize            ' Initialize.
            ListMondays = True
        Case acLBOpen                    ' Open.
            ListMondays = Timer        ' Unique ID.
        Case acLBGetRowCount            ' Get rows.
            ListMondays = 9
        Case acLBGetColumnCount    ' Get columns.
            ListMondays = 1
        Case acLBGetColumnWidth    ' Get column width.
            ListMondays = -1            ' Use default width.
        Case acLBGetValue                ' Get the data.
            intOffset = Abs((9 - Weekday(szDate)) Mod 7)
            ListMondays = Format(szDate + _
             intOffset + 7 * row, "dd/mm/yyyy")
    End Select
End Function

An alternative method would be to loop through the range of dates and count the Sundays.

Dim D as Integer
Dim TestDate As Date
Dim dCnt As Integer
TestDate = Start
D = DateDiff("d",Start,End)

For n = 1 To D
   If WeekDay(TestDate) = vbSunday Then
      dCnt = dCnt +1
   End If
   TestDate = DateAdd("d",1,TestDate)

Thus dCnt would return the number of Sundays between both dates
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I'll give those a go and see which works. Thanks for the help.

Whats wrong with:
NoOfSunday = 1 + int( (DateEnd-dateStart)/7 )

Then add some code to handle the "leap" days where this is not completely right, deduct one day...
Hi namliam,

If you try your coding on the following 2 sets of dates you will see why this doesn't work:

from 04/01/2009 - 08/02/2009 = 6 Sundays and 05/01/2009 - 07/02/2009 = 4 Sundays. It's this extra deduction that I am having a problem with!!!


Whats wrong with:
NoOfSunday = 1 + int( (DateEnd-dateStart)/7 )

Then add some code to handle the "leap" days where this is not completely right, deduct one day...
datestart = #04/jan/2009#
DateEnd = #08/feb/2009#
?1+int( (DateEnd-dateStart)/7 )

Seems to be fine...

datestart = #05/jan/2009#
DateEnd = #07/feb/2009#
?1+int((DateEnd-dateStart)/7 )

This breaks... off by the "+1" part, this is because datestart is less (in weekday) than dateend (monday vs saturday)
Add a simple IIF to check for this occurance and fix it... (i.e. Prevent the 1 from beeing added), like so:
datestart = #05/jan/2009#
DateEnd = #08/feb/2009#
?iif(weekday(datestart, vbmonday) < Weekday(dateend, vbmonday),0,1)+int( (DateEnd-dateStart)/7 )

datestart = #04/jan/2009#
DateEnd = #08/feb/2009#
?iif(weekday(datestart, vbmonday) < Weekday(dateend, vbmonday),0,1)+int( (DateEnd-dateStart)/7 )

Still works too :)

Good luck !
Thanks, mailman. One scenario that's not catered for is the date range 10/01/2009 - 07/02/2009. 5 Sundays returned when there are only 4. I tried <=, but now my original problem surfaces again. Sunday - Sunday is reporting 1 less than it should.

You you do it in a function it should be quite easily doable ... Adding some IF's to 'fix' the problems.
As per #2 To return the number of sundays within a given period you can use a simple function

Public function GetSundays(DtmLower As Date,DtmUpper As Date) As Integer

Dim D as Integer
Dim TestDate As Date
Dim dCnt As Integer
TestDate = DtmLower
D = DateDiff("d",DtmLower,DtmUpper)

For n = 1 To D
   If WeekDay(TestDate) = vbSunday Then
      dCnt = dCnt +1
   End If
   TestDate = DateAdd("d",1,TestDate)

GetSundays = dCnt

End Function

To call this function on a form you would use the following syntax

Me.TxtSundays = GetSundays(Me.StartDate,Me.EndDate)

Where the fields shown in the above example match the actual field names in the form.

?getsundays(#10/jan/2009# , #07/feb/2009#)

Atleast then check only the sundays... saving 6/7 checks for a sunday...
Public Function GetSundays(DtmLower As Date, DtmUpper As Date) As Integer

Dim D As Integer
Dim TestDate As Date
Dim dCnt As Integer
Dim firstSunday As Date
Dim Sundays As Integer
firstSunday = DtmLower - Weekday(DtmLower, vbMonday) + 7
Sundays = 0
Do While firstSunday + Sundays * 7 <= DtmUpper
    Sundays = Sundays + 1
GetSundays = Sundays

End Function

With less looping it should save some processing time...

But I think this will also work:
Public Function GetSundays(DtmLower As Date, DtmUpper As Date) As Integer
Dim tmpDbl As Double
Dim dtmStart As Date
Dim dtmEnd As Date
dtmStart = DtmLower - Weekday(DtmLower) + 7 ' Get the first sunday
dtmEnd = DtmUpper - Weekday(DtmUpper) ' get the last sunday
tmpDbl = 1 + Int((dtmEnd - dtmStart) / 7)
' If the start is a sunday, add one to make it work...
If Weekday(DtmLower, vbSunday) = 1 Then tmpDbl = tmpDbl + 1
GetSundays = tmpDbl

End Function
Thanks David, your coding works perfectly. I have it up and running. Much appreciated.

Thanks Mailman for the suggestions. The IF's were getting a bit bogged down!! All working now.

Hi David, there was 1 change I had to make to your coding to cater for the period starting on a Sunday.
For n = 0 To D
otherwise I was only getting 1 Sunday for the period from 11/01/2009 - 18/01/2009.

Thanks again for the help

Funny, i always use datediff for this purpose

You might want to add a day because jan 06 is on sunday.

If you look in the sample databases board you will find an entry I made that contains a table that is is full of dates which can be used to get any type of information about a date from it. It can used in conjuction with any other application.


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