On Key Press event help


Registered User.
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Today, 06:21
Feb 22, 2002
I am trying to use the on ket press event.
My code is simple:

Private Sub SourceRecord_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
If KeyAscii = 46 Then MsgBox "Delete Key Pressed"
End Sub

Only thing is - it does not reconize the del key being pressed.

Any idea's on how to use the delete key?

I thought that Delete was 8.
Na, 8 is Backspace.

Have you tried using the constant?

If KeyAcscii = vbKeyDelete Then
I tested with:

MsgBox KeyAscii

backspace is 8; the delete key didn't activate the keypress event (no message box). Not sure how you'd trap for it.
Sorry Mile, I was too slow with the backspace = 8. I tested this, which also didn't work (nothing when delete pressed):
Private Sub Form_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
  If KeyAscii = vbKeyDelete Then
    MsgBox "delete"
    MsgBox KeyAscii
  End If
End Sub
The answer is in the help files under KeyPress event. :rolleyes:

A KeyPress event can involve any printable keyboard character, the CTRL key combined with a character from the standard alphabet or a special character, and the ENTER or BACKSPACE key. You can use the KeyDown and KeyUp event procedures to handle any keystroke not recognized by the KeyPress event, such as function keys, navigation keys, and any combinations of these with keyboard modifiers (ALT, SHIFT, or CTRL keys). Unlike the KeyDown and KeyUp events, the KeyPress event doesn't indicate the physical state of the keyboard; instead, it indicates the ANSI character that corresponds to the pressed key or key combinations.

KeyPress interprets the uppercase and lowercase of each character as separate key codes and, therefore, as two separate characters.

Note The BACKSPACE key is part of the ANSI character set, but the DEL key isn't. If you delete a character in a control by using the BACKSPACE key, you cause a KeyPress event; if you use the DEL key, you don't

Why not just use the KeyDown event (switching KeyAscii to KeyCode) as that will work?

Do you have a code example on how to use the keydown event.
I swapped everything containing KeyAscii to KeyCode and the DELETE still
not fire for me.


Mile-O-Phile said:
The answer is in the help files under KeyPress event. :rolleyes:

Why not just use the KeyDown event (switching KeyAscii to KeyCode) as that will work?
You can use the "forms" Key Down event to detect if a trapped key is pressed and then override that keys normal function with another action or just exit the sub. The forms Key Preview property must be set to Yes and the KeyCode must be = 0 to prevent that keys normal function from happening, when pressed.

Below is an example of the forms Key Down event where I am using a Case Select to trap specific key presses. Check the help files for the Keycode Constants to get the codes for all keys.
'The forms Key Preview property must be set to Yes
Private Sub Form_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
    Select Case KeyCode
        Case vbKeyDelete
            MsgBox "The Delete key was Pressed"
            KeyCode = 0
        Case vbKeyF1
            MsgBox "The F1 key was Pressed"
            KeyCode = 0
        Case vbKeyF2
            MsgBox "The F2 key was Pressed"
            KeyCode = 0
        Case Else
            'MsgBox "No match!" 'testing
    End Select
End Sub
Just REM out the message boxes when you are ready to go live. Then nothing will happen when the trapped keys are pressed. Turning this into a public function would be nice if that were possible.

code fo keydown event

SELECT Case keycode
case vbkeyDelete
"Enter Your Command Here"
Case Else
End Select

Thanks a bunch for the replies!! :D

ghudson said:
You can use the "forms" Key Down event to detect if a trapped key is pressed and then override that keys normal function with another action or just exit the sub. The forms Key Preview property must be set to Yes and the KeyCode must be = 0 to prevent that keys normal function from happening, when pressed.

Below is an example of the forms Key Down event where I am using a Case Select to trap specific key presses. Check the help files for the Keycode Constants to get the codes for all keys.
'The forms Key Preview property must be set to Yes
Private Sub Form_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
    Select Case KeyCode
        Case vbKeyDelete
            MsgBox "The Delete key was Pressed"
            KeyCode = 0
        Case vbKeyF1
            MsgBox "The F1 key was Pressed"
            KeyCode = 0
        Case vbKeyF2
            MsgBox "The F2 key was Pressed"
            KeyCode = 0
        Case Else
            'MsgBox "No match!" 'testing
    End Select
End Sub
Just REM out the message boxes when you are ready to go live. Then nothing will happen when the trapped keys are pressed. Turning this into a public function would be nice if that were possible.


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