Solved Open ComboBox Drop-down at current value - possible?

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Today, 16:07
Feb 28, 2023
Hard to describe, but I have a combobox named Status with essentially, sequential values, e.g.:
Review 1
Review 1 Complete
Review 2
Review 2 Complete
Review 3
Review 3 Complete

This works fine, but if the status is Review 3 and I want to change it to Review 3 Complete, the drop-down opens at Review 1 and the user has to scroll all the way down to Review 3 Complete. It would be more convenient if the drop-down opened at Review 3 and the user could scroll down to Review 3 Complete or up to Review 2, if for some reason that was necessary.

Is this possible?
See if this is of interest. The user had a similar workflow, and this was one of the cases where rolling your own control made it more intuitive. Sounds similar.
This works if you have a set workflow and forces the user to move through that. Doing this in the combos was not intuitive.
If you do not want to roll your own. Why not simply use a combobox and only show the next available choice? Why show other choices if you cannot select them. If they are on Review 1 I assume they cannot skip to Review 3, but must log Review 1 complete.

Something like this on the combos on enter event
dim strSql as string
strSql = "Select Top 1 StatusID, StatusName from tblStatus where StatusID > " & nz(me.statusID,0) & " Order BY StatusID"
me.somecombo.rowsource = strSql

That should be the default. If for some reason they need to pick something out of order then maybe add a button next to the combo to show all status and change the rowsource by removing the filter or leave the filter and remove the Select top.
@MajP - Similar but not exactly what I am looking for. Let me provide more info:

There are approximately 30 possible statuses. So having a record on Status 25 and clicking the down arrow and having to scroll down from the top to get to item 26 is inconvenient. (And the combobox only shows 15 items so the current status may not be in the list. The flow USUALLY follows sequentially, but it isn't really required to do so.

If I could just get the drop-down to open at Item 25, I'd be happy.

Alternately, I suppose I could come up with some solution where clicking the status field showed a pop-up and the user selected from that and that changed that value.

Actually, I'm having a hard time replicating the issue. Sometimes if the status is line 25 and I click the down arrow I see the selections starting at around line 20 with line 25 highlighted (which is fine) and sometimes it seems to start at line 1, which I want to avoid ...
I could not recreate it either. Maybe check how many list rows it displays. If you have more choices than list rows it should still work but it does get somewhat confusing. If you have 30 choices then maybe bump it up to 30 from the default of 16.
If you have more choices than list rows it should still work but it does get somewhat confusing. If you have 30 choices then maybe bump it up to 30 from the default of 16.
I didn't realize that was an option, but I found it and it helps a lot. If the forum had a way to award you status points I would do it!

Fortunately, it is a max number - I bumped it up to 40 but it only shows the number of items there are (not 10 extra blank rows).
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