Open database without MS Access

access is not the only db in the market. there are others.
you can't have citrix if the data is too confidential and
the client want it exclusively.
My users can login. Map drive and see and open a database. Which is updated daily. It's a stripped down version of the main data base.
My customers can see only their records, etc...
have you tried? as i know it will Replace your mso.
No as I've no need to do so but this is an extract from that link:

No as I've no need to do so but this is an extract from that link:
i have tried that link before and it will install 365 over my a2019.
did you see the Important notice.
you can't have citrix if the data is too confidential and
the client want it exclusively.
if exclusivity required, they have their own account.

My users can login. Map drive and see and open a database.
if they can open it, they have access, either full or runtime version

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