Open Tabbed From based on a Combo box


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 11:56
Jul 23, 2002
I have a form with a combobox that queries a table, when i make my selection a form opens to the appropriate record, but now my form is a tabbed form. How do i open that form now basedon my selection?

Thank you
Are you wanting a particular tab to be selected when you open the form? Or what? Not sure exactly what you need.
it so happens its the first tab.
Simple Software Solutions

Access has this perculiar habit of when opening a form with a tab control on it to display the tab page that was last visible in design mode. For example if you have three pages and was working on page three. You then save the form, close it, then open it via the app it will default to tab page 3.

To correct this on the OnOpen or the form place the following code

Me.TablCtrl.Tab = 0


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