Public Function AddTrustedLocation()
On Error GoTo err_proc
'sets registry key for 'trusted location'
Dim intLocns As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim intNotUsed As Integer
Dim strLnKey As String
Dim reg As Object
Dim strPath As String
Set reg = CreateObject("")
strPath = CurrentProject.Path
strLnKey = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Access\Security\Trusted Locations\Location"
On Error GoTo err_proc0
'find top of range of trusted locations references in registry
For i = 999 To 0 Step -1
reg.RegRead strLnKey & i & "\Path"
GoTo chckRegPths 'Reg.RegRead successful, location exists > check for path in all locations 0 - i.
MsgBox "Unexpected Error - No Registry Locations found", vbExclamation
GoTo exit_proc
'Check if Currentdb path already a trusted location
'reg.RegRead fails before intlocns = i then is unused location and
'will be used for new trusted location if path not already in registy
On Error GoTo err_proc1:
For intLocns = 1 To i
reg.RegRead strLnKey & intLocns & "\Path"
'If Path already in registry -> exit
If InStr(1, reg.RegRead(strLnKey & intLocns & "\Path"), strPath) = 1 Then GoTo exit_proc
If intLocns = 999 Then
MsgBox "Location count exceeded - unable to write trusted location to registry", vbInformation
GoTo exit_proc
End If
'if no unused location found then set new location for path
If intNotUsed = 0 Then intNotUsed = i + 1
On Error GoTo err_proc:
strLnKey = strLnKey & intNotUsed & "\"
reg.RegWrite strLnKey & "AllowSubfolders", 1, "REG_DWORD"
reg.RegWrite strLnKey & "Date", Now(), "REG_SZ"
reg.RegWrite strLnKey & "Description", Application.CurrentProject.Name, "REG_SZ"
reg.RegWrite strLnKey & "Path", strPath & "\", "REG_SZ"
Set reg = Nothing
Exit Function
Resume checknext
intNotUsed = intLocns
Resume NextLocn
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume exit_proc
End Function