Out of memory error


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Yesterday, 19:13
Apr 30, 2012
I am opening an access db using vb.net from arcview. I open the db, perform a couple of make table queries and then add a new empty integer field into one of those tables and all performs properly. The problem comes when I try to update the new field based on other fields in that table. Below is a snippet. I always get an "Out of memory" error as soon as I get to the Update() line. It has been a while since I have done any coding. What have I forgotten? I shouldn't say all performs properly because I have been completely unable to close the db except manually. But that is another matter!

 If Not FieldExists Then
            tdf.Fields.Append(tdf.CreateField("Counter", vbInteger))
        End If
        strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tbltmpNewMinLands;"
        rs = objAccess.CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM tbltmpNewMinLands")
        PPIDOldVal = ""
        Do While Not rs.EOF
            PPIDVal = rs.Fields("lands").Value
            If PPIDVal <> PPIDOldVal Then
                Counter = 1
                PPIDOldVal = PPIDVal
                Counter = Counter + 1
                PPIDOldVal = PPIDVal
            End If
            With rs
                rs.Fields("Counter").Value = Counter
            End With
Is this VB.NET or VBA, where is this code running from? Can we see your variable declarations, what datatype is rs, what type is Counter?
Thanks for the response. VB.Net
I've removed the actual query strings in strSQL as they are long but work well.
I'm using access to run the query because my queries contain user defined functions and as far as I know, that is the only way to use them in the query.
And yes, my error trap is very crude but this isn't intended for commercial use.
Under the button:
    Private Sub button1_click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        Dim lsdTablepath As String
        Dim lsdTablef As String
        Dim disptbls As String
        Dim tmpPath As String

        lsdTablepath = "K:\Shapemaker"         
        lsdTablef = "SG_LEGALSUBDIVISION" 
        tmpPath = "C:\TempM"                 
        disptbls = "K:\Shapemaker\2007MinGIS.accdb"
        'clear out the old files 
        'if none exist this will throw an error - ignore it!
        On Error Resume Next
        Kill(tmpPath + "\*.*")

        Call MakeSearchBook(tmpPath, "test.dbf", disptbls)
    End Sub
    Public Sub MakeSearchBook(ByVal pFolder As String, ByVal fName As String, ByVal dbtoOpen As String)

        Dim accObj As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access.Application
        Dim strSQL As String
        Dim target_path As String
        Dim target_dbf As String

        Dim tbl As dao.TableDef
        Dim tbldefs As dao.TableDefs
        Dim objectExists As Boolean

        On Error GoTo ErrorHandler     ' Run away if something goes wrong...
        accObj = CreateObject("Access.Application")
        accObj.Visible = True

        If UCase(Dir(pFolder + "\" + fName)) = UCase(fName) Then
            Kill(pFolder + "\" + fName)  ' Cannot overwrite existing table.
        End If
        strSQL = A valid SQL string


        objectExists = False

        For Each tbl In accObj.CurrentDb.TableDefs     ' You can't overwrite an existing table unless ...
            If tbl.Name = "tbltmpNewMinLands" Then
                objectExists = True
            End If
        Next tbl
        If objectExists Then
            accObj.CurrentDb.TableDefs.Delete("tbltmpNewMinLands") ' ... you get rid of it first.
            objectExists = False
        End If
        ' Now make a new tbltmpNewMinLands
        strSQL = A different valid SQL make table query 


        Dim tdf As dao.TableDef
        Dim fld As dao.Field
        Dim rs As dao.Recordset
        Dim qdf As dao.QueryDef
        Dim PPIDVal As String
        Dim PPIDOldVal As String
        Dim Counter As Long
        Dim FieldExists As Boolean

        tdf = accObj.CurrentDb.TableDefs("tbltmpNewMinLands")
        For Each fld In tdf.Fields
            If fld.Name = "Counter" Then
                FieldExists = True
                Exit For
            End If
        If Not FieldExists Then
            tdf.Fields.Append(tdf.CreateField("Counter", dao.DataTypeEnum.dbInteger, 12))
        End If

        strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tbltmpNewMinLands;"
        rs = accObj.CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
        PPIDOldVal = ""
        Do While Not rs.EOF
            PPIDVal = rs.Fields("lands").Value
            If PPIDVal <> PPIDOldVal Then
                Counter = 1
                PPIDOldVal = PPIDVal
                Counter = Counter + 1
                PPIDOldVal = PPIDVal
            End If
            With rs
                .Fields("Counter").Value = Counter
            End With
        fld = Nothing
        tdf = Nothing

        accObj = Nothing
        Exit Sub

ErrorHandler:  ' ... but give a clue as to what went wrong.
        MsgBox("Error number " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description)
        accObj = Nothing
    End Sub
Last edited:
Thanks for the response. VB.Net
I've removed the actual query strings in strSQL as they are long but work well.
I'm using access to run the query because my queries contain user defined functions and as far as I know, that is the only way to use them in the query.
And yes, my error trap is very crude but this isn't intended for commercial use.
Under the button:
    Private Sub button1_click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        Dim lsdTablepath As String
        Dim lsdTablef As String
        Dim disptbls As String
        Dim tmpPath As String

        lsdTablepath = "K:\Shapemaker"         
        lsdTablef = "SG_LEGALSUBDIVISION" 
        tmpPath = "C:\TempM"                 
        disptbls = "K:\Shapemaker\2007MinGIS.accdb"
        'clear out the old files 
        'if none exist this will throw an error - ignore it!
        On Error Resume Next
        Kill(tmpPath + "\*.*")

        Call MakeSearchBook(tmpPath, "test.dbf", disptbls)
    End Sub
    Public Sub MakeSearchBook(ByVal pFolder As String, ByVal fName As String, ByVal dbtoOpen As String)

        Dim accObj As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access.Application
        Dim strSQL As String
        Dim target_path As String
        Dim target_dbf As String

        Dim tbl As dao.TableDef
        Dim tbldefs As dao.TableDefs
        Dim objectExists As Boolean

        On Error GoTo ErrorHandler     ' Run away if something goes wrong...
        accObj = CreateObject("Access.Application")
        accObj.Visible = True

        If UCase(Dir(pFolder + "\" + fName)) = UCase(fName) Then
            Kill(pFolder + "\" + fName)  ' Cannot overwrite existing table.
        End If
        strSQL = A valid SQL string


        objectExists = False

        For Each tbl In accObj.CurrentDb.TableDefs     ' You can't overwrite an existing table unless ...
            If tbl.Name = "tbltmpNewMinLands" Then
                objectExists = True
            End If
        Next tbl
        If objectExists Then
            accObj.CurrentDb.TableDefs.Delete("tbltmpNewMinLands") ' ... you get rid of it first.
            objectExists = False
        End If
        ' Now make a new tbltmpNewMinLands
        strSQL = A different valid SQL make table query 


        Dim tdf As dao.TableDef
        Dim fld As dao.Field
        Dim rs As dao.Recordset
        Dim qdf As dao.QueryDef
        Dim PPIDVal As String
        Dim PPIDOldVal As String
        Dim Counter As Long
        Dim FieldExists As Boolean

        tdf = accObj.CurrentDb.TableDefs("tbltmpNewMinLands")
        For Each fld In tdf.Fields
            If fld.Name = "Counter" Then
                FieldExists = True
                Exit For
            End If
        If Not FieldExists Then
[COLOR=Red]            tdf.Fields.Append(tdf.CreateField("Counter", dao.DataTypeEnum.dbInteger, 12))[/COLOR]
        End If

        strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tbltmpNewMinLands;"
        rs = accObj.CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
        PPIDOldVal = ""
        Do While Not rs.EOF
            PPIDVal = rs.Fields("lands").Value
            If PPIDVal <> PPIDOldVal Then
                Counter = 1
                PPIDOldVal = PPIDVal
                Counter = Counter + 1
                PPIDOldVal = PPIDVal
            End If
            With rs
                .Fields("Counter").Value = Counter
            End With
        fld = Nothing
        tdf = Nothing

        accObj = Nothing
        Exit Sub

ErrorHandler:  ' ... but give a clue as to what went wrong.
        MsgBox("Error number " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description)
        accObj = Nothing
    End Sub

The line in red above strikes me as the possible culprit, in VBA an Integer is a 2 byte number, in vb.net a long is a 4 byte number. Try changing it to dbLong
I gave that a try too and while it may be contributing to the problem, I am still having the memory problem, Error 7.
I thought that perhaps I was doing too much at once so I made the table for updating and tried to run just the last part. Same error.
Running the query "SELECT * FROM tbltmpNewMinLands" still runs OK.
Recordset creation with rs = accObj.CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL) also works OK. It reads the first value of the field "lands" OK. The value is correct.
This starts OK.
With rs
.Fields("Counter").Value = Counter
End With
The value of Counter is correct, and the right type, Long, but as soon as it tries to assign it to value property in Fields("Counter") it craps with Error 7. Like I said at the beginning, the same code works under vba. So I don't understand the memory issue.


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I don't know why, but try wrapping the Counter with a cstr()

.Fields("Counter").Value = Cstr(Counter)
Unreal!! I wouldn't have believed it. Even though you dim it as a long it wants a string. It certainly does work. Thank you so much Mr. Texas.

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