Question Outlook send error.. Anyone seen this? (1 Viewer)


DB/Application Dev Newbie
Local time
Today, 01:10
Jun 23, 2011
Has anyone ever seen this error when trying to trigger an email from Access 2010?

"The operation failed. The messaging interfaces have returned an unknown error."

The error appears in outlook when you click "send" on ANY email generated from within Access 2010. It does not change if you do or do not have an attachment.

I only have a small number of users getting this while most can send emails from Access without trouble.
Last edited:


DB/Application Dev Newbie
Local time
Today, 01:10
Jun 23, 2011
Google has

That was less than helpful since the first thing anyone does is check google. Plenty of post for this problem, none of them deal with Access. The threads almost all talk about an inability to send email with Outlook 2010. Not one of them even mention sending emails programaticly from Access.

It would have been easier for you to just say "I don't know" or better yet, don't respond if you don't know.


Eledittingent Beliped
Local time
Today, 07:10
Nov 3, 2010
Well, the thing is that info provided is provided on the basis of what is written by OP, and not on ESP.

Many users here never do any searches prior to posting, and your post does not say that you did.

Googling reveals that the error message can contain more info that you provided, and so
again, you may or may not have searched google.

If you want better advice, then ask better questions. Getting p... off because you get as good as you ask would seem rather pointless :D


DB/Application Dev Newbie
Local time
Today, 01:10
Jun 23, 2011
Well I did say it was from an email being generated by Access and not one Google post said anything regarding Access for that error.

Regardless, I found the problem so the next person who Googles that error and access might find this post. It was a conflict between the encryption requirements of Outlook and our domain controller. Specifically I had the user re-do his network certificates and checkmark "encrypt emails with attachments"

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