Pass information back from called form


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Today, 04:13
Apr 12, 2011
I wrote up an article about a systematic way I developed of passing information back from a form called in dialog mode to the form that called it. I tried to publish it here, but this site has a limit for the number of characters allowed in a post, and my article exceeded it, by quite a bit. I published it in a different forum, but this site has been quite useful to me over the years, so I am putting a link here to the article. Hope it will be useful to someone.

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I wrote up an article about a systematic way I developed of passing information back from a form called in dialog mode to the form that called it.

Alternative Method for Passing Data Between Forms in MS Access

Hi pdanes,

I’ve seen your method for passing information between forms in MS Access, and it looks like a neat solution. I’ve worked on a similar system myself with something I call the "Call" "Called" class module. It handles passing data between popup forms and the form that called them, but it uses a different approach, more object-based.

I think our methods are pretty similar in what they achieve. Yours works well with strings, and mine is more focused on keeping everything organized in a class. If you’re interested, I’ve got the code and a few videos explaining how it works on my website:

Would be great to hear your thoughts on it and see how the two ideas compare!

(Uncle Gizmo)

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